Don't soak the standard MP at all. Just use ISO on q-tips or similar. I've never soaked the entire thing but thought about it, and after reading suggestions herein NOT to I won't. I've used q-tips with ISO and it works fine - just let air dry for some time. Voila!I'm not enjoying the experience of cleaning the F2 mouthpiece. What bothers me is the white residue that remains after soaking it in iso alcohol. Do you think that PBW would do a better job? Thanks
I'm not enjoying the experience of cleaning the F2 mouthpiece. What bothers me is the white residue that remains after soaking it in iso alcohol. Do you think that PBW would do a better job? Thanks
I personally think it has plenty of power but I want to know what you all think?
How are all of you enjoying your Fierce?
What's your favorite method of extraction?
You mean these instructions?I've followed these instructions
Maybe soak was a poor choice of word... I do quick dips with the mouthpiece parts, no longer than 1'. Only the glass cylinder is left in iso for a longer period because it gets very dirty.
Do you think PBW will get rid of the white residue and clean the other parts of the mouthpice as well as the iso alcohol?
Don't soak the plastic in ISO, wipe the glass part with damp buds as directed when needed.
Wipe the glass part with damp buds?
Yep, that's my advice......and the makers?
And rinse/dry promptly.
The white stuff is chemicals leached from the plastic, chemicals added to protect it and give it the properties we want (typically softeners and anti cracking agents). They are not real deposits, more like a coat of paint at this point, you'll need to remove them mechanically (try a 'Scotchbrite' pad or even fine steel wool with soap and water?). It will not dissolve in PBW or any detergent, that's not how detergents work. Detergents loosen junk's grip on the surface, like food on dishes or dirt in your clothes, so they can be rinsed clean away, not by dissolving them and everything nearby as solvents do.
Ok...thought "Bud" was a typo. Not sure I'd use my herb to clean anything like that. Once you use the damp herb/nug to clean the glass I guess you dry it out and vape it?
So just to be clear .... you dampen a nug, use it to wipe the glass, and then rinse/dry the glass with something after?
I got the same white stuff on my mouthpiece after a pretty quick swab with some 70% iso wipes, can confirm you'll need to mechanically scrub it off.
No. Cotton bud is the correct name in British English (what most of the world uses.....) for what we call 'Q-tips' (which is a registered brand name, like crescent wrench). The correct American English terms is 'cotton swab' which wouldn't make sense either?
You're welcome to try buds of herb if you wish, but I'll stick to a bit of cotton on a stick.....
This isn't the first time I've interpreted something through my USA centric blinders and this definitely won't be the last. Glad to have the clarity that "bud" meant cotton/q-tips not herb. Thanks OF.
It should be a soft deposit, easy to scrub off. The plastic hopefully will not be too compromised. You obviously had no luck with more ISO wipes?
Fast swabs only work if you immediately either wash it away (with water) or leave a very thin film that 'instantly' evaporates away. Left in contact with the plastic, it doesn't matter much how it got there.
For sure saying 'cotton swab' would have caused confusion as well?
So just to be clear .... you dampen a nug, use it to wipe the glass, and then rinse/dry the glass with something after?
my brain went straight to wiping it with a nug
I will now stop using ISO in a jar in my ultrasonic cleaner for the mouthpiece, I will still dismantle it though, but just chuck it in the ultrasonic with just water from now on(I only ever cleaned with ISO for 1 minute).
Someone who try to disassemble the main vape ?
any instractions somewhere ? mine the air flow is less than the first days - weeks...
I mean the "ffffsssssssssss"... lost in time, punisher needs a deep clean
Someone who try to disassemble the main vape ?
any instractions somewhere ? mine the air flow is less than the first days - weeks...
I mean the "ffffsssssssssss"... lost in time, punisher needs a deep clean