I like my edge but I'm still experimenting with getting good results. I am coming from years of smoking > dynavap > fury edge.
First off, congratulations. Dumping blazing for vaping is a solid, very positive, step. You get to enjoy your herb more, cut your weed bill to 1/4 or so of what it was blazing (now that you're not burning up good THC in some ill conceived fire.....) and you get to live longer in the bargain. Pretty hard to beat that.
The key to getting good results with Edge (or any similar vape for that matter) is to accept and deal with the nature of conduction vaping.
THIS IS NOT BLAZING, expecting results based on your experience there is going to lead to grief at some level. In blazing additional heat is generated to make yet more vapor automatically as you hit. Instantly. The opposite happens here. Heat has to
'creep in' slowly over time before the hit. Unlike VC or blazing. Once the hit starts, cold air is drawn in, cooling the load so production can only go down, and more so if you hit it harder hoping for more vapor to enjoy.
Yield to this reality and look for results within that constraint.
Pay attention to heat soaks. Set to some reasonable temperature, say 390F, and let is sit an honest half minute, soaking, before you hit it. You can adjust timing and temperature later, good results should happen there. Then sip it, don't rip it, to harvest that vapor without having lots of cool air steal the heat you need to make more vapor. And pay attention to conduction within the load.
Grind at least medium and pack it (without blocking the flow too much). Abd
try stirring it a bit between hits so fresh material is brought into contact. With Edge this is easy. Pull the stem and poke a bit with a toothpick or other tool. The load will shrink down some when the water is driven out so it's easy to stir and be able to put the stem back since the level will be lower.
Keep your
herb 'well cured' (dry) going in. No sense wasting time and precious heat drying the herb in the machine out so you can heat it enough to make vapor. As a bonus here, dry herb will make very much less of a mess and you'll get more THC out since condensate will simply evaporate off again to enjoy rather than getting into that old 'oil and water don't mix' issue, gumming up the works and wasting THC.
Again, congratulations and warning that skills you learned blazing (even with DV) don't transfer over. This is a new deal, and a proven great one, but you have to play it within the bounds of conduction vapes. Follow the results you like.
Regards to all.