I have had my Fierce wpa bundle for one week now. I didn't notice any smell from the glass pieces or bowl, but all the silicone does have a very faint smell. The silicone cover was especially bad, but it along with the silicone on the vape itself have faded.
I have used it 25 times including 5 burnoffs. I have only used the bent stem. I usually use just fill the stem about 70% no packing, I would estimate I use about 0.1g. Takes between 60 - 80 seconds depending on charge of battery to get to ~385F/196C (according to when you click up), when set to 410F/210C.
Do you guys think the Fierce runs a bit cold?
Yes for pure convection, but I find the temp readings and vapor production get better after 2-3 minutes. It's manageable to just leave set at 392F/200C for 5 minutes but I find it starts too slow and ends too harsh so I play around with the set temp.
I notice that it usually stays 20 - 25F/11 - 14C below the set temp at first, at least that's when it vibrates and starts making you click up to get current temp reading. I start with a high temperature to get the glass and bowl warm, then lower it to maintain desired temp range (360 - 380F/182 - 193C). I usually take 10 - 15 second pulls and get about 6-7 pulls in 5 minutes, the 4th pull usually produces the most vapor. Once I start pulling the temp will drop significantly (20 - 30F/11 - 17C after about 10 seconds of pulling) then quickly rise towards the set temp once I stop.
I tend to start the vape set at 410/210 and let it climb to 385/196 (takes about 60 seconds), I take first pull at 90 seconds in and lower set temp to 397/203, pull at 125 and 160 seconds in then set it to 392/200. After this I just take hits at my discretion. At this point it will be dropping to 354/179 as I pull but will quickly climb up to 381/194 (set at 392/200) after 12 seconds then much more slowly increase toward the set temp. At 230 seconds I lower set temp to 383/195.
I find the heat up rate improves as time goes on; for example starting from from 385/196, set at 392/200 it will drop to 360/182 with a strong pull at 215 seconds but will only take about 8 seconds for it to come back to 380/193 and another 5 seconds up to 388/198. With weaker pulls you can have it drop a bit less.
There is a faint aftertaste of the silicone, but it is no worse than drawing on the unit with no heat and it has faded significantly over time. After 10 runs it was still noticeable but was overpowered significantly by the vapor. After 25 runs I can only faintly taste it when I pull with no heat/material. After the 11th run (including burnoffs), it was at the last of 4 bars (25%), I used it one more time then charged it to full (took about 2 hours). I got another 12 runs out of it throughout the week before charging again.