Hello. I just purchased the haze last night (Thank you for all the info on the product everyone) and didn't get the pay it forward because I completely forgot. I love the idea though. Can I still buy it or do u have to get it when you initially check out?
I tried coffee grinders in the past and never really liked it. I like grinding in a space case 2 piece (for a finer grind) or the Santa Cruz 3 piece (for a coarse grind) hopefully I got the terminology right. You can find a medium size 2 piece space case for $20 on Amazon. I bought the Santa Cruz as a grinder/container.TL;DR: I like it. Is it worth 250$? I dont know, if you dont mind spending the money and like trying new products give it a go. When I vape I forgot that I did, like 5 mins after, things start getting a little slow I remember “O shit I just toked” because it’s a smooth and clean high.
I got my unit over a week ago. First 4 days I had it, all I did I was smoke. Nothing was done on my end.
Since its my first vape, I really cant compare it with any other, but my bowl.
I only used herbs with the all purpose cans, as I dont am not sure how often do the convection/conduction screens last.
My random thoughts
- First few hits on my first run had my throat drying and coughing like a motherfucker. I suspect it was because I did not run it a few times using it. By day four, I still coughed, but not as much and still get that dry throat feeling. But you get that when you smoke regardless.
- I generally use temp 2, as my normal setting, temp 1 is good as well. I make sure i take long slow hits. I get an acceptable amount of smoke out of it.
- Taste: The first few hits of every session are always the earthy taste (just like its smell but in a warm vapor taste over your tongue) of bud. Its kinda weird at first, but you get used to it. I like it now.
- Feel of vapor: Smooth, you almost forget that you have smoked. Something pretty obvious but did not cross my mind while reading FC, the higher the heat temp, the warmer the vapor. At temp 3 you sorta get burned compared to the caressing smooth feel you get with the temp 1-2.
- It annoyed me that after a few sessions, like a day's worth of usage, the mouth piece got stuck, and I would have to pry it with a tong or something. At the time I was too lazy to clean it, I know daily cleaning is recommended for the best results.
- Cleaning: Its pretty straight forward, for the mouthpiece tunnel, I just used some ISO, q-tip and some OCD dedication and voila. I cleaned it after 4 days of usage, there was a lot of gunk, more than I expected tbh. So I would say a daily clean for that tunnel would be good for the vaps general health. For the all purpose cans, I dump the ABV in a ziplock bag and then re-pack. This weekend though I let them soak in a ISO bath. Also the heating elements on the bottom side of the door, had to be cleaned as they had some stuff on them.
- I always smoke the bowl with full circle first, then the hollowed out circle, that way I dont forget which bowl I am on; I usually smoke them back to back.
- Battery life: The normal batteries last me maybe 30 mins-45 mins. Thats how long a session is for me. I have 6 batteries that I rotate, two are the XL version. 4 are the normal ones. I should have bought 4 XL rather than 2. I dont like the small ones as they die out way faster than the big ones. I always have a batteries in my charger, that way I dont run out of juice.
- Clouds: I dont get clouds, but what would you expect, its a vap. I would like someone to explain to me why cloud strength makes a difference with ppl.
- If you have read this far may the higher powers you believe in bless your soul or the chemicals in your mind.
Other comments?
- Has anyone noticed the vapor density from the second bowl usually is more than the first hit off the first bowl?
- It gets me 6 bowls/cans to feel "medicated/high" at the level I like, which then makes me wonder when do I know that herb is beat? When it tastes of burnt weed? Or should I count my hits? My first few sessions I used to take out the black ABV, I then decided against that because looking around online and on FC, ABV looked mostly brownish. But then, when I was going through the haze best of thread. Someone had pictures of their cans/conduction/convection comparisons and the ABV from the cans was almost light black (if that exsisits) or black. So I am conflicted here.
- When using the convection/conduction screens, how much should they be filled up and is cleaning them hard/annoying?
- I understand that the grinding makes a difference. greater surface area allows you to get the most out of your bud. Does the coffee grinding really make a difference with the haze? Or should I just keep using my normal? Does the haze treat fine grind bud better?
- When do I know that the screens are beat? How often do you change them? Are they also bathed in ISO to clean them?
I hate that the all purpose cans are for 10$. I wonder whats their proft margins on those cans? 900%
Would I recommend it? I dont know if I would, I dont know if I would not. I need to try other vapes to compare.
Thank you for reading my post. I know its long. I am not sorry.
Hello Mundzz or anyone else. I just purchased the haze and saw you also just bought one and have been using it for the last week. I am an everyday SMOKER. I've never used a vaporizer before even to just try. Anyway compared to smoking what do you think of the haze? Are u vaping more than u smoked? Will will my 2 year olds cartoons still be hilarious with vaping rather than my normal smoking?
Direct out of the box the Haze get a sort of new car smell but outside of the airpath only, I can smell it while heating but I never tasted it!
Be quiet, it quickly disappear!
Can you tell me how they shipped the replacement? Was it in a paper envelope or a brand new box? The funny thing is that Haze said that there should be no paint because it is not done in Atlanta, GA. I had wet paint too, so now I am thinking where do they paint it?Hey guys just wanted to let everyone know that haze replaced my first v2.5 for me due to a faulty bowl selector switch and some paint issues on my oven hatch.
Though I was a little upset about this happening after only a month of regular use I must admit that hazes customer service was spot on and they got me a new unit in my hand within a week.
All in all i'm very happy with how they handled my situation and as long as I don't have repeat issues with this unit the haze will continue to be my favorite portable to date.
And now for some haze love!!!
I found a case that fits the haze like it was made for it. (See below)
This case fits so damn good haze should hit up the company and rebrand it with there logo lol.
an you tell me how they shipped the replacement? Was it in a paper envelope or a brand new box? The funny thing is that Haze said that there should be no paint because it is not done in Atlanta, GA. I had wet paint too, so now I am thinking where do they paint it?
A few ppl mentioned the paint thing. They told me that paint shouldn't be an issue because they paint it from outside their Georgia factory (not sure what that means). My unit had wet paint from day one, without any heat. When I opened the chamber cover, I had paint on my fingers. I sent them a sample of a used ISO wipe and my blue haze. They returned it the same way you received your replacement and I was worried about the packaging (a small layer of bubble wrap inside a paper envelope). I wished they changed that part to using a small cardboard box (for protective reasons).They shipped me only the unit back just like I shipped it to them. No accessories or anything.
It was in a cardboard envelope when i received it back from them, and though that doesn't sound very attractive, I thought it was well packaged and protected enough for travel.
I'm not sure what you mean when you say that haze said there should be no paint??
Why would they ship a new unit without painting it?? Mabye I misunderstood..
And I never had wet paint. My original unit's paint was fine untill about 3-4 weeks of everyday use and then the heat from the oven chambers started to raise/crack the paint finish on the honeycomb areas right above the ovens. (Sounds worse than what it was)
I was informed that the paint specs are going to be different on the next upgrade so this problem doesn't occur.
I'm actually surprised I haven't herd more people on here talking about this issue because imo it had to of been happing to a good number of units for them to want to change the paint specs, But time will tell now that I have a fresh one. I'm keeping a close eye on her lol.
A few ppl mentioned the paint thing. They told me that paint shouldn't be an issue because they paint it from outside their Georgia factory (not sure what that means). My unit had wet paint from day one, without any heat. When I opened the chamber cover, I had paint on my fingers. I sent them a sample of a used ISO wipe and my blue haze. They returned it the same way you received your replacement and I was worried about the packaging (a small layer of bubble wrap inside a paper envelope). I wished they changed that part to using a small cardboard box (for protective reasons).
I have not been having issues til my last session, where I used a can with the silicone lid. I had shatter in there and tasted the silicone (like the taste of the ascent when I first received it). I soaked and cleaned the silicone with coconut milk. I never had problems with the silicon taste until my last session. Hopefully it's an isolated experience. but it gets me thinking, is my unit running too hot?
Edit. Do you have a link to that case? It's great