@Drexciya, it looks like something has gone wrong internally with your Haze unfortunately.
I think it got to much build up, if you don't get a dry cotton bud when it's very hot strait after a session. I recommend a dry scrub of the air path, at least every 20 reloads. This keeps the unit running smooth.
(I reuse the reclaimed residue strait of the cotton, in the oil can, and it's very tasty, and potent)
Otherwise the Haze, and any other Vaporizer's that need cleaning will build up with vapor residue and begin to run into problems.
The other alternative is to use a ISO dipped cotton bud. However, this can push residue into the unit as well creating a sticky mess inside the unit, so I prefer the dry method.
It sounds to me like you broke a piece of the mechanism, and the Haze needs to go back to the good people @ Haze for service.
When the build up gets to a point when you can not move the lever easily, there's to much crap inside the unit, and it's time to open it and clean the unit if your handy, (which will possibly void your warranty) or maybe send it back to an authorized service centre, for service.
I hope this helps