I have two different cleaning routines. I use canned air to keep the crumbles out. I replace the mouthpiece with a fresh one every other day. I soak the mouthpiece, (with all that golden goo on it,) in Everclear. Every time the Everclear gets a little thick I make myself a drink with it.

Once a week, (depends on the herb,) I clean it like Scott does in the cleaning video fifteen (15) mins.
If you take a "BBs" worth of dab in a can, it tastes awesome. Gets you high w/o knocking you down.
I guess I should own up to what happened to me this weekend.
I set up my Orbiter on the table, (on the same level), next to me. I got a little hazed, and I sneezed into the Orbiter. Next thing I know, I have water siphoning into my Haze. I quickly removed the battery, cleaned the Haze, and thankfully it was just fine.
I've noticed that if you don't pull the mp all the way out on the oven, (towards the switch handle), it gets more reclaim on it.
If it's only part way out, the vapor has to travel along side the mp, leaving condensate vapor on the mp. (Soak it in Everclear, make a stiff drink.)
If you pull it almost all the way out, (everytime), the reclaim is only on the inside. (Less clean up).
Happy hazeing. Doc