Using inferior Titanium and a poorly designed bell. Labworx refined the design of the bell and the quality of the Titanium skillet.
His are not the best by any stretch of the imagination. Most HMK bells waste an inordinate amount of vapor because of their faulty design.
I have both HMK and Labworx and prefer the HMK. The labworx is too "air" while the HMK is a slightly tighter curve making the hits more flavorful with a heavier punch. At a initial pre-purchase/trial view it seems like the extended funnel around the labworx skillets would function better along with the circular bowled Ti pad, however, HMK ti pads are great but thicker which I prefer for bigger dabs while the smaller funnel gets thicker vapors to air ratio. HMK curve has dimples inside to insert a Ti screen to diffuse the vapor so you can reclaim more dry oil than from inside you piece (wet reclaim taste worse).
If your a beginner you will be better off using the Labworx skillet (because of the shape its easy to get all the vapor, bowl-shaped Ti pad is not much of a difference except if you have shaking hands and cants dab in the center or you take small hits and enjoy quick heat ups)
If you have a high tolerance and want concentrated hits of oils you should go with the HMK but it has a slight learning curve in using the right amount of suction to get all the vapor. You usually get thicker Ti pads (they sometimes look sloppy but function great) to stay hotter longer.
Kief tends to ignite unless you use a small amount. When I put Kief on my dabs , I only use enough to dust the outside, prob less than .01g,
You still might be combusting using less but just a smaller less noticeable amount.
This is how I used to travel with my vape kit now I just take my TV Rev along with the T1 in a small travel case. Works great

but those that are into water filters nail/skillets their are really well made cases made for securing guns and lab equip. from Pelican and other manufactures that can be used to protect and take your valuable glass