Hey guys, I just figured Id drop by and let you know I'm now a very happy member of the Gnome club.
Mine was shipped on the 22nd/23rd of feb, and I got it in Australia on the 29th.
My only decent torch I have right now is a pen style one that was originally designed as a soldering iron.
It works well enough, but I've just ordered a few others of amazon to see how they go.
I ended up picking up a triple flame jet lighter, a quad flame jet lighter (both under $10) and a chefs style torch thing similar to what Calen posted somewhere in the thread - basically a torch head that connects to a can of butane used in camping stoves.
Now about the gnome:
I picked up a 14mm GonGnome with the WPA.
I sent through some pictures of my SSV heater cover & temp knob to see if my gnome could be matching colors.
When I opened up my little package, and saw my new gnome...
Wow, it's hard to appreciate just how awesome these things look until you see one in person.
I took it over to a friends place to show it off (and that's also the main place I vape, aside from home), and of course, forgot my pen torch. :/
So I borrowed 2 standard jet lighters to see if I could get it going, but all I got were some wispy hits, and a little burnt weed because the water was too high in my bubbler and caused some blowback.
So yesterday I took it back over, remembered the torch, and wow.

I got a few hits that weren't "thin" but they were on the thinner side, but awesome tasting, and then I got what would have been a lung buster, but I had to bail on the hit half way through. So it certainly can hit hard.
Unfortunately my torch only has enough gas for about 2.75 loads, but that was enough to get me hooked.
I still haven't tried the direct draw half of it yet, just gnome to WPA, but I run most/all of my vapor through water anyways, so that'll happen when it happens.
I'm just curious about everyone's heating techniques, I seem to have developed a decent enough on already, but I've still got some questions:
What part of the flame is best to heat the glass with?
The outer darker blue part, or the inner light blue part?
Approx how much of the rippled area do you heat before hitting it?
I've been getting it so that around half to 3/4 of the heating section will give off the yellow flame.
I'll make sure to post some pics of my little beauty soon.