so I've still had no luck uploading my video! there's a few tips i can give to get the gn0ckoff working properly. Just bear in mind the one I've been seasoning is the same as the one I sent you
@nosmoking and I've just started to get the results I want. So it can be done!
your pack. I found a medium pack and grind seem best. use the little tool I sent to pack down the herb and try to get an even pack, IE no air gaps round the side.
As I mentioned (and you would've been able to see if i could get this bastard video uploaded) I ended up using two torches as getting enough heat into the tube was a bit problematic for me too. even using two torches i only got VERY charred herb but no actual cherry was lit.
draw speed. slower draw = hotter air.
I'm very keen for all feedback etc to be open in the thread. remember this isnt my design and I am just trying to emulate the original even though I've never seen one. I'll say again if anyone has an original and a set of calipers the wall thickness of the glass would be interesting as it's the only variable I think could be different. other than that I think we're good.
I'll just iterate this. This vape seems to be a very difficult beast to tame. it's a little wasteful, fragile, dangerous (yes a shop mate tried to pull my first one like a slide, ouch!) and has a learning curve for sure. BUT...... the flavour. OH THE FLAVOR.
e2a. whole nug works but maybe get used to ground material first. MY VID IS UPLOADING! FIngers crossed coming soon......
NOW IN HD!!!! ALSO I'm happy for all discussion to happen in this thread. this isn't MY vape it's OUR gn0ck0ff. So lets work together to make us all happy

I'm def keeping this in my line up