Rhymenocerous ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
Sorry for the double post. I was trying to distract myself from thinking about something a couple of weeks ago and made some vapor exhale videos/gifs. I always get such huge clouds from this thing, like a fog. I fucking love this thing.
The bowl on this is overloaded, a little under a bowl and half. I had "too much" for 1 bowl and too little for 2, so I just did it all. Also the video is rough as hell, I'm using an old monitor for a backdrop and the lighting is pretty bad. It was fun doing it though, anytime I screwed up a video I did another. I ended up making many, many videos and I only kept 2 or 3 of them.
The bowl on this is overloaded, a little under a bowl and half. I had "too much" for 1 bowl and too little for 2, so I just did it all. Also the video is rough as hell, I'm using an old monitor for a backdrop and the lighting is pretty bad. It was fun doing it though, anytime I screwed up a video I did another. I ended up making many, many videos and I only kept 2 or 3 of them.