You know,
@FlyingLow, it's only now that we are gonna start to see some informed opinions of the ghost with the iphone & andriod releases as people settle in to using them. You have used it long enough to know that the cleaning upkeep doesn't work for you so it won't be a daily driver.
I'm gonna have my Skype call either this week or at worst the following week to get my pairing issue corrected so I don't even have the 1st mass-released firmware update nor can I change the temps. I'm still stuck with the opinion I had last month & the month before ... with all the problems that this vape has had from the crucilble, the stem, the mp gasket, the overheating, on & on. Like with the update, maybe the grind used is no longer an issue, but, yazza, was it an issue for months! So we're all still at different places in our journey to get this vape working properly. And not to forget, we know that they'll at least be another couple of android releases till all is on an even keel. Then, GV is going to continue to put out updates to better its function & increase functionality. So the long-term reviews are a goodly way off before we can clearly see all the legitimate pluses & minuses of this vape. If the drawbacks can be fixed, I have no doubt that GV will do everything possible to make that improvement.
They started rolling the vapes out out in Sept., & here it is Feb. I got mine 1st week of Oct. And look at were we are, we haven't come that far yet, & some of us are still at the beginning. So think it's gonna be a solid 2 months with updates & stuff to get all the vapes on the android at the same functioning level. As I hear, the iphone rollout produced an overall good outcome. And they're still working on battery life. And every upgrade has to be written in 2 different codes. So it's still gonna be a long drive, but, hopefully, it won't be winding or any where near as bumpy as it has been.
Everyone is entitled to an/their opinion, but those opinions just take up needless space if they don't have the vape ... & don't intend to buy it. So, for the sake of keeping this thread pleasant, I hope not.
I think when we all do get on the same page with this vape, the thread will be much more active, & I'm suspecting, fun!

I've come this far &, if I'm lucky to stay above ground for the next couple of months, I know things will be much better.