Well-Known Member
A lot of people don’t like clunky ugly cheapshit Android garbage either... but why bring that up?
How do you like those crappy notifications, itunes, and siri hehehehehe

A lot of people don’t like clunky ugly cheapshit Android garbage either... but why bring that up?
@m0sh, I'm not being aggressive at all. You just said 'no app?' with them flashing eyes. And Patrick did state the status of both apps so apart from you not reading my post, I couldn't figure out why you would post that, except, of course, if you were being a negative Nancy. From the little I know, when an app is submitted for inclusion, Apple, MS, Mozilla & Google, etc. check for software compatibility. The ones that currently have the ios app are the beta testers.
I, too, use android. From what I've read, it's easier to write code for the ios so they started with that platform 1st. Don't know how much longer it's gonna be for android, but can't wait to hear the satisfaction level of those on ios when released.
mosh...unfortunately getting the apps working and then publishing them up on the platform stores is taking much longer than they had expected. Obviously we are all so used to getting things at the push of a button and are feeling the stress of the apps not being ready well after initial "limited" release.
That said, Ghost is separately beta testing the apple and android apps at different times. So we continue to wait for now, but the apple app is supposed to drop very soon as it was sent to the apple store for approval recently.
The beta testers are limited and that is why we don't all have the app.
Hi again, if there's no app for Andorid, then them the app is not ready.
And yes, flashing eyes, I took a vacation from this thread and I'm amazed its still not done.
Too bad, IMO, the app should have never been discussed then, it was not ready for 1 day so it shouldn't be " a part" of the a selling point if you get what I'm saying.
I almost never post, and I lurk less and less these days. I don't even know how to list the vapes I own in my sig. However, I have owned a few vapes...MFLB, Solo, Pax, Air, Extreme Q, E-Nano, XMax, and most recently, a Grasshopper. The Air, Q, E-Nano, and the Grasshopper are all I need...I believe. I do not own this vape and I have not used this vape.
That said, why would anyone buy this vape? Not trying to disparage but the videos on YouTube seem a little an infomercial as opposed to a real review. I was shocked that there are 44 pages in this forum. Is this vape the only/best all in one portable vape?
What is "for approval" means? it not officially released but some users have the apk for ios?
Hi again, if there's no app for Andorid, then them the app is not ready.
.This is required for all apps in all stores. NOBODY let's you just upload an app, that may be a malicious or just crappy, on their store until they have examined and tested it.
The point is that you can release at your own discretion to very large beta groups -- far exceeding the sales forecast of a teenage fanboy with wet underpants. Without spending even an hour in app review by some authority.@m0sh, call it an app-in-progress. Don't know what else to say.
@analytika, I know nothing about software programming so I leave that to the learned. But strictly from an administrative perspective, I believe if they released a beta app to 1200- 1500 people and it didn't function correctly from the initial release, they'd have a real mess on their hands; everyone would be coming at them from all different directions. You know human nature when people aren't happy. They lash out. Just look at the uproar on the speculation threads on FC & VLF when the vape kept being delayed. And at that time they still had their money in their pockets. Having small control groups as they work their way through the beta version just makes sense, at least to me. Now that they feel that they have the ios update functioning, at least acceptably, for mass release, we are gonna have a huge user group who really are to be considered beta testers because you know that add'l issues are gonna surface & revisions released.
I've learned from being an early adapter that it isn't for me. It's not just the patience (& this has truly has taught me patience -- pat myself on the back) & frustration of waiting, but, mostly, the whole human nature negativity aspect that I choose to be removed from. It just makes waiting so unpleasant.
I was just gifted an Enano from a generous fellow FC'er.Having tried it yesterday for the 1st time, one of my initial thoughts was that this is exactly what I expected, want & still expect the MV1 to be. And, I'm hoping that in the long run it will be. I can either continue to hang in or bail, & I've hung in so long, I'm willing to go the distance. And I so want to come out with a vape I love more than the money back in my pocket. I love the feel of it, the look of it, the way it communicates via vibration for regulated inhalations & most of all when it hits good, it really hits good. It's such a pleasant, light, clean, clear head with a sativa. And I think this is a wonderful vape for microdosing.
Either their firmware APIs work or they don't. Spinning wheels for months to lay even a basic UI on top of these API calls, and blaming Apple or Google review processes, is strictly amateur hour. Gross incompetence. all,was hoping this vape would be available in the UK by now but it's not looking good for this year, is it actually available to buy anywhere?
It's a rocketship bro. A rocketship! I'm happy with mine. It blasts me to SPACE!!! To infinity and BEYOND!!Watched a few more videos. I can't lie...I just don't get the appeal of this particular device. If anyone wants something portable that hits like an E-Nano, a Grasshopper with a PFE will satisfy that need perfectly. Forgive me if I miss the point of these kinds of threads. If this is a MVH1 appreciation thread, please disregard. Also, I very much appreciate the Vape Critic and his videos...but this device is just not good. Overly complex. Proprietary batteries. Too heavy. Ugly as hell. Honestly, are there people here at FC who have paid full price for this device and are happy with their purchase?
Additionally, I get that there are different strokes for different folks. I have no dog in any fights. I do not sell vapes. There are lots of vapes that I would never buy, but this one just seems to stick out as particularly bad.
It's a rocketship bro. A rocketship! I'm happy with mine. It blasts me to SPACE!!! To infinity and BEYOND!!
Watched a few more videos. I can't lie...I just don't get the appeal of this particular device. If anyone wants something portable that hits like an E-Nano, a Grasshopper with a PFE will satisfy that need perfectly. Forgive me if I miss the point of these kinds of threads. If this is a MVH1 appreciation thread, please disregard. Also, I very much appreciate the Vape Critic and his videos...but this device is just not good. Overly complex. Proprietary batteries. Too heavy. Ugly as hell. Honestly, are there people here at FC who have paid full price for this device and are happy with their purchase?
Additionally, I get that there are different strokes for different folks. I have no dog in any fights. I do not sell vapes. There are lots of vapes that I would never buy, but this one just seems to stick out as particularly bad.
Thanks for the info. Two follow up questions: Did you pay for yours and have you tried a Grasshopper with the PFE? Not a shill for Grasshopper. I actually have very little faith in either of these devices from a dependability standpoint. Ferraris are always going to spend more time in the shop than Hondas I suppose. I am just asking for a comparison.
Thanks for the info. Two follow up questions: Did you pay for yours and have you tried a Grasshopper with the PFE? Not a shill for Grasshopper. I actually have very little faith in either of these devices from a dependability standpoint. Ferraris are always going to spend more time in the shop than Hondas I suppose. I am just asking for a comparison.
Getting closer. Thanks for the feedback. That said, did you pay for yours?
Whaaa..? You mean you cut a screen out and replaced the lid of the crucible with it? Really? It works? Shoot man, well... I guess that makes sense right lolMy Ghost performs really well, I'm not a beta tester nor used the app. I keep the heat setting on 2 Amber for the most part, sometimes 3 Amber for that last hit. I found that the crucible lid get gunked up really fast causing performance to drop, so I just dip it in ISO and give it a quick scrub with a tooth brush and its good to go. Last night I was a little medicated so I thought WTF, I'm going to cut out a screen and use it in the place of the crucible lid to see if there was any performance drop. This method worked excellent!
I've killed about 6 crucibles this way and have only had to clean the screen only once or twice with a quick brush and no sticky buildup. I haven't needed to give the bowl a stir either.
I'm really digging this vape!
Proof of purchase attached. Early adopter.
Nah, I don't have those vapes. I have an IQ, a mighty, a Crafty, a firefly 1, firefly 2, Pax 2, and had a solo at one point.
I can't comment on the other vapes I haven't tried. Why would you be so quick to pass judgement on a device you haven't handled yet?
It is a rocketship man, no doubt bro. It will lift you to space with ease. It hits that firefly curve without the effort. Riding the lighting man.