Discontinued Ghost MV1


Active Member
Right. But I got a friend owning one and he told me the vape only worked with a lot of material and he has to load and consume way more than what he would like (i.e. plenty!) He tried several things apparently but kept saying the thing didn't work well with normal or micro doses.

So that's a down-side, unless you can provide adapters and various bowl sizes to accommodate all users (sounds unlikely anyway, some use only a pinch not even covering a 14mm bowl screen fully...)

But if there was a universal solution we would all be using it right now, no?

The Plenty with an extract pad on top of the load works very well for me. Halves the chamber depth but still manages a complete and smooth extraction. I am less sanguine about the reduction capsules. They do work, but they reduce the chambers diameter substantially and I experience the extraction as somewhat rougher.
I fail to see how any firmware update could solve the hotspot / uneven extraction issue a lot of users reported.

It's not a matter of temperature settings it's a matter of air flow dynamics. Most of the time you can prevent it (or at least mask it) by drawing very slowly and reducing the extraction speed, but this is not an option for cloud chasers and for those using their device through water.

The real solution is to carefully design the flow path from intake to your mouth, and eventually creating a good measure of turbulence. In most systems we try to get rid of turbulence to maximize the flow rate, so it's a bit unusual to try to introduce some on purpose.

Gaz flows are more complex than liquid ones, and I'm by no means an expert in this domain. But the following picture touches on the kind of problems we are facing with tubular stems with the bowl at the extremity:


You see there is a natural tendency to get more velocity at the center and less on the borders. So you really need to either:

1) reduce the stem diameter (explains why many of us find it more even with 14mm vs 18mm stems in other convection devices, ex: MistVape Touch)
2) create a swirling flow pattern before the bowl intake (ex: Herbalaire, turbulator in Milaana/Zion)
3) have some kind of shield/deflector in front of the bowl center or a dead hole in the heater at this location (what @Alan tried to do in the iHeat but we're not completely there yet, and what @Pipes and the other Project members tried to do when improving the coil geometry in the Project Eraser and Pure SF compared to the OG)

PS: adjusting the upstream / pre-heater air intake pattern (shape, number, size, location etc.) is often under-looked but also plays IMHO a very important role.

PS2: having the bowl in a form of a wafer-thin but very large diameter cylinder, like the shape of a coin for instance, would be probably great too.
That is what they claim in the vapelife forum. They seem like upfront people so I would trust and wait for app.


Well-Known Member
I fail to see how any firmware update could solve the hotspot / uneven extraction issue a lot of users reported.

It's not a matter of temperature settings it's a matter of air flow dynamics. Most of the time you can prevent it (or at least mask it) by drawing very slowly and reducing the extraction speed, but this is not an option for cloud chasers and for those using their device through water.

The real solution is to carefully design the flow path from intake to your mouth, and eventually creating a good measure of turbulence. In most systems we try to get rid of turbulence to maximize the flow rate, so it's a bit unusual to try to introduce some on purpose.

Gaz flows are more complex than liquid ones, and I'm by no means an expert in this domain. But the following picture touches on the kind of problems we are facing with tubular stems with the bowl at the extremity:


You see there is a natural tendency to get more velocity at the center and less on the borders. So you really need to either:

1) reduce the stem diameter (explains why many of us find it more even with 14mm vs 18mm stems in other convection devices, ex: MistVape Touch)
2) create a swirling flow pattern before the bowl intake (ex: Herbalaire, turbulator in Milaana/Zion)
3) have some kind of shield/deflector in front of the bowl center or a dead hole in the heater at this location (what @Alan tried to do in the iHeat but we're not completely there yet, and what @Pipes and the other Project members tried to do when improving the coil geometry in the Project Eraser and Pure SF compared to the OG)

PS: adjusting the upstream / pre-heater air intake pattern (shape, number, size, location etc.) is often under-looked but also plays IMHO a very important role.

PS2: having the bowl in a form of a wafer-thin but very large diameter cylinder, like the shape of a coin for instance, would be probably great too.

I think there is something too this. On my evo I have had a back and forth the owner of the company because mine whistled loudly. He said they redesigned the bamboo for concentrates. Basically the bamboo has additional hourglass narrow points that briefly create restriction. This creates turbulence in the air flow not necessarily restriction felt by the user (because the narrow points in flow are very short). But also can cause a whistle noise. My complaint. Basically pulling through a narrow passage that opens up to chamber (wide point in air path) can create turbulence that bounces air around the chamber. Equals more even cooking of herb.

The mv1 seems to lack this turbulence in the air flow. The air pulls straight through the middle of the chamber in a linear way. To improve, the brief restriction must be pre chamber so not much we can do I think.

My original cloud ticker has the least restriction of any vape I have. The hourglass like restriction point has a larger hole than the later made evo. Maybe not as good for concentrates but I've never had a problem there. And I never stir. You can but it's not worth the effort the marginal extra hit you get.

This turbulence with a high power heater and good temp controller is key I think. It allows a cloud or evo to vape evenly any herb. Moist, dry, fine, course, or hell chuck a little bud in there and the vapor is excellent on all points.

Mv1 may need look at this way of doing things for round 2 on this device.

Also, for those thinking of buying. If you're a heavy user, it's easy to over heat an mv1. And quickly removing chambers can come close to burning fingers.

All and all its a decent vape. But not going to replace a cloud or evo. Nor is it going to produce better flavor than a firefly 2. And it's no where near as portable as a pax. It's akin to an easy air flow, harder to clean, pure convection solo, but the flavor isn't A+. Low settings is solid A, with inconsistent clouds. But higher settings flavor goes to B, C, then D quickly.

If big clouds and great flavor is the goal at any heat setting, just get a evo, or wait for portables to do what an evo can. Or deal with learning curve, smaller clouds, and draw restriction of a firefly 2.

I see this vape in a social setting with many preloaded chambers. No cord and long lasting battery. Pick a setting and pass around. Hopefully app will help get the right temp setting so can "set and forget" because it's about a week to change heat settings...

Would love to see a chamber three times the size since this isn't really portable anyway.
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Well-Known Member
I feel like this thing requires no technique and my ABV is beautifully toasted. I’ve not tried micro-dosing, though.
Any chance you could post a pic of ABV?
When you say " beautifully toasted", is that "uniformly " toasted, all the same color?

Very curious as many seem to report very uneven color???
Any chance you could post a pic of ABV?
When you say " beautifully toasted", is that "uniformly " toasted, all the same color?

Very curious as many seem to report very uneven color???
it seems that some mv1's suffered from the unlocking of a certain feature. Other mv1's like mine did not suffer and seem to work correctly. The app and new firmware allegedly fixes these issues along with some battery issues.
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Active Member
Uneven roasting of the herb could be the result of any number of things - clogged chamber cover, off-center baffle underneath the chamber, clogged bottom holes in the ceramic chamber, herb too tightly packed and perhaps a mis-seated heat sync. All those things are mechanical and could result in a less than ideal flow of hot air though the chamber. The upcoming app could resolve a number of problems that people may have - but there is no way it will change how the hot air physically flows through the vape.


Well-Known Member
Uneven roasting of the herb could be the result of any number of things - clogged chamber cover, off-center baffle underneath the chamber, clogged bottom holes in the ceramic chamber, herb too tightly packed and perhaps a mis-seated heat sync. All those things are mechanical and could result in a less than ideal flow of hot air though the chamber. The upcoming app could resolve a number of problems that people may have - but there is no way it will change how the hot air physically flows through the vape.

I think this is right. I do notice if the stainless screen/lid clogs performance suffers. It seems regular cleaning is a must. Flavor is impacted by dirty parts too. Even 100% clean though there are even cooking issues.

I've been using other vaporizers last couple nights. Will go back to mv1 tonight and see how it goes. Kinda at point where I'll either put this in the line up or give it to a friend that only vapes socially to keep around at his place for when friends come over.

Anyone know when the app and firmware updates will roll out?


Well-Known Member
Just realised Ghost sent me a email, it was in my junk folder but luckily i can still purchase, only thing is im in the UK, alltogether its going to cost me $325 to get it over here, plus i may be charged around $30 more once for the customs charge :ugh: if anybody from the UK on here who has ordered can tell me how much it cost them in all (on here or PM) it would be helpful, but i may have to wait for a UK supplier to get a few in stock as this may be a bit too high on the cost :(

Hi everyone,

This is my first time posting here so please be gentle!
I am from the UK and have many many vaporizers.
I saw vapecritics review of the mv1 and I wanted it right away. I was one of the first lucky few who got a unit (I waited on the pre order for a few days only)
Cgod- I didn't pay any duty or vat. They ship via dhl and tbh they were very quick and sometimes can get away with customs with them.
It was well worth the wait. Would honestly recommend this as I'm in love with it.
Firstly have to say the team at Ghost vape, especially Whitney are incredible.
She stuck with me through all my pointless emails and even now she replies virtually instantly. Hats off to them!
Now, this is my first unit of this kind. I have the pax2, iHit, hydrology9 (which I love to bits) and many others but nothing of this kind like the ghost.
So I could be using It incorrectly?

Basically, my crucibles are always charred in one spot :(
I've tried 6 loads, of different packing. Tight, light, less, loads, more.
None make any difference. My last bowl was not even touched!
The first time I tested the ghost I was coughing for like 15 mins straight in a vapor pool! Was beyond excellent!
That high was insane.
But that's where it stopped :( I can't recreate that.
Whitney asked me to check the heat sink; here I found the black seal that sits on the ceramic mouth piece chamber inserted the wrong way.
Could this be the cause?
I get no vapor or taste and the unit gets hot so it's trying but nothing on the other end.
I haven't changed anything since the first bowl so I'm pretty confused but still persevearing!
I love this little machine, I know you're probs thinking how but the way it made me feel that first time; it's just epic.
None of my other machines get me this spacey!
I've been reading this whole forum which has taken me days as I do it in my spare time, but I got the device some weeks ago.
Yes I have the gritty mp, which Ghost will replace!
The crucible holder is much much needed and will be a addition as well as the other accessories coming soon! (I.e ghost case holder thing)


Active Member
Hi everyone,

This is my first time posting here so please be gentle!
I am from the UK and have many many vaporizers.
I saw vapecritics review of the mv1 and I wanted it right away. I was one of the first lucky few who got a unit (I waited on the pre order for a few days only)
Cgod- I didn't pay any duty or vat. They ship via dhl and tbh they were very quick and sometimes can get away with customs with them.
It was well worth the wait. Would honestly recommend this as I'm in love with it.
Firstly have to say the team at Ghost vape, especially Whitney are incredible.
She stuck with me through all my pointless emails and even now she replies virtually instantly. Hats off to them!
Now, this is my first unit of this kind. I have the pax2, iHit, hydrology9 (which I love to bits) and many others but nothing of this kind like the ghost.
So I could be using It incorrectly?

Basically, my crucibles are always charred in one spot :(
I've tried 6 loads, of different packing. Tight, light, less, loads, more.
None make any difference. My last bowl was not even touched!
The first time I tested the ghost I was coughing for like 15 mins straight in a vapor pool! Was beyond excellent!
That high was insane.
But that's where it stopped :( I can't recreate that.
Whitney asked me to check the heat sink; here I found the black seal that sits on the ceramic mouth piece chamber inserted the wrong way.
Could this be the cause?
I get no vapor or taste and the unit gets hot so it's trying but nothing on the other end.
I haven't changed anything since the first bowl so I'm pretty confused but still persevearing!
I love this little machine, I know you're probs thinking how but the way it made me feel that first time; it's just epic.
None of my other machines get me this spacey!
I've been reading this whole forum which has taken me days as I do it in my spare time, but I got the device some weeks ago.
Yes I have the gritty mp, which Ghost will replace!
The crucible holder is much much needed and will be a addition as well as the other accessories coming soon! (I.e ghost case holder thing)

If your crucibles are always charred in part, then some of your herb is combusting. Unfortunately that could explain the copious clouds you are seeing, and could also explain the intense high. I use a few vapes that are heated with a butane torch. On the rare occasion where I have singed the load with too much heat, I definitely get a huge cloud - but at least part of that cloud is actually smoke.


Long Island, NY
@junny89, welcome!

I don't know why you weren't offered an exchange. If the firmware doesn't correct your problem, demand a new unit.
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Well-Known Member
If your crucibles are always charred in part, then some of your herb is combusting. Unfortunately that could explain the copious clouds you are seeing, and could also explain the intense high. I use a few vapes that are heated with a butane torch. On the rare occasion where I have singed the load with too much heat, I definitely get a huge cloud - but at least part of that cloud is actually smoke.

Thanks for the reply!
So what is the cause of this? This isn't like the hydrology and seems there is some learning curve, which I am learning as I'm getting on.
How do I stop it combusting, something I'm doing?
Read a few others with the same issue. But not much about fixing it?

@junny89, welcome!

I don't know why you weren't offered an exchange. If the firmware doesn't correct your problem, demand a new unit.

I assume because of the rubber seal was the culprit. Hope it is as I can't wait another week before anything happens.
Plus maybe this new app will be the saviour to all these issues.
Trying it now so let's see if any improvements.
Oh I was vaping like a mad head like I do on my other units but I been told to calmly and be steady with the inhales.


It seems their support and returns have been without hassle for most every customer.

At the end of the day, all returns exchanges are ultimately at the discretion of the company and I am sure other retailers and vendors would agree that "demanding" is probably not the best way to always get what you are seeking. Most all retailers are willing to accommodate a customer as long as they are not offensively demanding. Just explain your problem and ask for their assistance.

Get a lot more with honey;)


Active Member
So what is the cause of this?

I am not qualified to answer really. From what I have been reading on this and other forums, some MV1 users are having issues with inconsistent ABV. Some are seeing the same charring that you are. Other users are evidently experiencing none of this. A component is certainly user error in some cases - incorrectly assembled heat exchanger, off center baffle under the crucible, a crucible cover that has some vapor holes blocked partially or completely. Evidently when the hot air flow is not perfectly moving through the crucible as designed, hot spots develop and the herb is inconsistently vaped. There are also cases where the vape 'unlocking' left a device that doesn't appear to manage the heating process with the same care intended by the manufacturer. Supposedly the soft/firmware update that is due out soon will correct the heat management problems.


Well-Known Member
Reading though all these issues, this appears to be the one of the worst vaporizer rollouts in history! lol Imagine if it were a car, or a computer. Or a Broadway show that wasn't quite ready for public consumption. I'm rooting for you guys though :\ Seriously


Thought I just chime in again, as I might have a solution for some of you experiencing uneven roast from a heat sting. I've done many home made convection experiments, and a narrow "sting" of heat coming up off the source is really one heck of a challenge...

Try this:

-get a 6mm diameter steel ball bearing. You can experiment with smaller/larger ones too, 6 looks ideal to me for the Ghost crucible size.
-Fill your crucible loosely. Prick a hole in the middle of your herbs, drop the ball in.

What this hack does:
-breaks the heatflow in the centre, dissipates evenly.
-adds mass to your load, heat gets captured, and keeps material "pre-heated" closer to vaping temps.
-when you need a stir, you can just shake the ball inside around a bit for a gentle stir, without the need of opening device.

Good luck, let me know! I never tried this method of mine with the Ghost, but cant see how it would be different!



Well-Known Member
Reading though all these issues, this appears to be the one of the worst vaporizer rollouts in history! lol Imagine if it were a car, or a computer. Or a Broadway show that wasn't quite ready for public consumption. I'm rooting for you guys though :\ Seriously

what's truly baffling is the discrepancy between what early adopters are reporting and vape critic's reviews - it's like 2 entirely different vapes.

Custom Flower Hardware

Well-Known Member
I'll chime in and say that for me, personally, the VC was spot on with this review and build up of the ghost. I like the mi but not the stir. With my ghost I get the same abv no matter what I throw in there. I use fine grind, course, and whole buds all perfect, no stir. It's my reliable, dry, high temp hitter. Sits next to my Apollo, gh, solo 2, and mighty. Hey holidays are coming, gotta be prepared at work:tup:


Well-Known Member
Thank you for teaching me a new word!

what's truly baffling is the discrepancy between what early adopters are reporting and vape critic's reviews - it's like 2 entirely different vapes.
Baffling, exactly.

Obviously you weren't around for the Grasshopper... <ducking>
You're right! I went with the FF2 instead, (which I regret, despite it giving me the best vape hit of my life.) Was never able to replicate, and that 90% draw resistance kills me. I dream of FF2 flavor with a wide open draw, and that's why I'm lurking on this thread! I see an MV2 in my future...
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Well-Known Member
Just realised Ghost sent me a email, it was in my junk folder but luckily i can still purchase, only thing is im in the UK, alltogether its going to cost me $325 to get it over here, plus i may be charged around $30 more once for the customs charge :ugh: if anybody from the UK on here who has ordered can tell me how much it cost them in all (on here or PM) it would be helpful, but i may have to wait for a UK supplier to get a few in stock as this may be a bit too high on the cost :(

I got one to Ireland and wasn't charged duty. But I think it's a question of luck. My friend was stung for €80.


Well-Known Member
what's truly baffling is the discrepancy between what early adopters are reporting and vape critic's reviews - it's like 2 entirely different vapes.

That is because our units do not have the app and are messed up software wise. We are waiting for the app to be in the stores so we can reset out firmware and tweak settings. Currently we are unable to change any settings of heat values which are not correct as their was a glitch/bug with the software on full production released units and this is what the problem is.

They released the vape before it was ready....that's all.... they rushed it and now they are dealing with trying to finish the app so we can set our vapes to be running same software as VCBud was/is using on his units.

I will say this was a ruff rollout obviously....but this MV1 is also the must understood as well. I can not believe the amount of mis-infomation/mis-informed things being written.....even from some whom have it.

It is what it is.....and unless you have one to use...it is pretty hard for most to understand I guess......it will be best to wait until the app is out and then see what happens then.
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