Bongs, Bowls, and Joints. Old School. I need something a little easier on my lungs. Think I Found it. MV1@slick66, welcome! What other devices do you have/used?
Bongs, Bowls, and Joints. Old School. I need something a little easier on my lungs. Think I Found it. MV1@slick66, welcome! What other devices do you have/used?
Maybe I will get another after I get bored with the LIFT... could always use a good backup. I was sooo close to buying the SLX. In fact, I would’ve but has been out of all for weeks... dodged a bullet there! Got to chatting with Greg, the owner of LIFT last Sunday and he made such an impression on me, I had to buy one (my way of rationalizing it!) I will def let you know...Lift 4 peice. Should got a SCS 2 peice. We vape so no sense in saving keif. Also scs is like 26 bucks from piu ... I snagged a slx and was immediately disappointed when I got it. IDK much about the lift other then it's Canadian . Let me know how it goes brother!
Yes. It's available for purchase right now.Did they even beta test this vape?
It is a 5 year warranty, when you register with the app.Checks all my boxes
Its like a zion
Just wish it was 5 or 10 years warranty lol
I will consider buying after bugs and problems iron out lol
On demand
Palm size
Semi stealthy
According to bud its airy draw
.10g per bowl
Swappable batteries
Checks all my boxes
Its like a zion
Just wish it was 5 or 10 years warranty lol
It is a 5 year warranty, when you register with the app.
@elykpeace, was your SLX a 2.0 2.4”...? Cuz I’ve really only read or heard stellar reviews... my local vape shop doesn't carry ‘em, LIFT either. They actually asked me to bring it in to show them. Like they made to with the MV1.
That sounds like my cfx; I start at 420f then quickly bump it down to 410 so it doesn't get away from me....vapor production is hit or miss. Best for clouds and flavor if i try higher settings at first and then lower temp once unit warms up.
Returned mine. I've decided I don't want an app to control my device anymore. I just want a straight convection vape that works. I just need one with a large chamber that can maybe be reduced and replaceable batteries. Not too much to as![]()
Maybe take a look at the Milaana or the upcoming Boundless Tera then?
I bought this vaporizer and have been using it for about a week. Hoping you all can help me get its performance up to par. I have an original ticker cloud, a new evo, pax 1, pax 2, firefly 2, and probably an old matchbox laying around somewhere. Used volcanoes and solos too. So I feel like I'm not really a rookie.
So far, it's a decent vaporizer but I'm not feeling like it's great. I'm loading the chamber carefully just up the top. No tamping. Just sprinkling or loosely scooping. Basically following instructions from "Bud," or vapecritic, and also trying what has been posted in previous pages here. I do like loading the chamber upside down like another posted. Makes loading and unloading easier. I also think the stainless on bottom, closer to the heat source, helps spread the heat more even to get more evenly cooked material. Again nothing really works there though.
The taste at the lowest level is good, but vapor production is hit or miss. Best for clouds and flavor if i try higher settings at first and then lower temp once unit warms up. Flavor at highest amber level does not last more than 2 or 3 pulls, and turns popcorn or even charcoally pretty quick. Worse taste than spent pax. No matter what I do herb always is a bit more spent in the middle and greenish on the outside. Unless I stir, but that doesn't help flavor. Even clouds at highest amber setting do not remotely compare to what a cloud or evo produces.
Compared to a firefly 2 on highest heat setting, I can get larger clouds and have better flavor that lasts longer with the firefly 2. Flavor on lowest setting of firefly 2 is significantly better (same cloud issues though).
I do enjoy the easy pull though. Far better than any other portable IMO.
Battery life is outstanding too.
Tried tamping. That seems to help clouds. But very uneven vaporizing of herb. Also seem to almost combust, if not actually combust.
Finally, the cleaning is easy enough, but lots of parts. I prefer just wiping a firefly 2 with a paper towel with iso or just soaking the clouds stainless baskets.
Any thoughts on getting better performance? Anyone agree with my quick review?
PS2: having the bowl in a form of a wafer-thin but very large diameter cylinder, like the shape of a coin for instance, would be probably great too.