Well-Known Member
↑ Pic of setup or Vapefiend link?
they h ave taken off the link on the website because demand was so low for it.
Ill take some pics and upload tonight
↑ Pic of setup or Vapefiend link?
I’ve been having no issues using a medium grind. What’s bothering me are the batteries (I had to figure out a trick), and sometimes I get herb that takes up to a couple days of being ground and left out to dry to be usable in the MV1. It’s still an early science so I’m not expecting perfection. When this thing works right (which it does most of the time) nothing else hits like it. It’s insane. As far as crucibles, I have 4 (but I leave one in the box just in case). I use them through the day. Every morning before I walk my dog I throw them and the heat sink in ipa. I walk him for an hour, I take a shower, I rinse them in water, I let them dry, and I’m good until the next day.The MV1 loves some prerolls.
Some are ground a bit too finely but many are ground just right. All of them ground more consistently then any of my grinders can do. I have been especially impressed by Fireline and Artizen here in Washington State. They are a bit cheaper than the regular flower grams and from what I can tell these prerolls are just as potent and flavorful as the nugs. They are also very easy/quick to load into the crucibles.
So what I note is that these very consistent grinds give very consistent results. Up to the introduction of prerolls into my regimen I got great extraction and results but every time was an adventure in that I did not know how the draws would turn out. I could always get full extraction if I turned to two red lights but if I started with 2 yellows sometimes the extraction was good but other times it seemed to not be and I would raise the heat to get the desired results.
My conclusion is that this device is very sensitive to grind. Grind does not defeat u as this device is capable of overcoming most grind/packing issue through its considerable power. On the preroll I generally
get 3 draw at level 2 maybe 1-2 at level 3 and then 1 or (if it still does not taste spent) 2 at full out.
Topic 2 - Cleaning crucibles.
I clean them with a toothbrush and iso and then I leave them overnight in denatured alcohol and then have been using a magic eraser to try to get it back to virgin white. I have been using the same crucibles since September and do not notice any degradation of them.
Just recently I have been using a very strong solution of PBW. I put the crucibles in a glass jar
and put them in the microwave for 35 seconds to get the solution very hot. This seems to work better than the alcohol at removing all the stains and my crucibles are now almost new looking. As of now I am sure that the alcohol and brushing regimen does not hurt the crucibles at least over a considerable period of time. I have just been using the PBW for two weeks so I am not sure yet what if any long term effects will be.
If you don't mind a plug in unit, get a Vapexhale Evo (or prior version Cloud).
These units are on demand convection (after warming up) and there are NO rules to these units:
--Pack doesnt matter so long as you can pull.
--Temp doesnt matter, just set what you want. Obviously bigger clouds the higher the temp, but the highest temps taste amazing still. And low temps have big ass clouds too (bigger than most any MV1 cloud).
--Pull strength doesnt matter (bongs require a little draw strength but that is just because youre pulling through water).
--Cleanliness doesn't matter so as not clogged from not maintaining the crucibles/baskets at all for many loads.
--Taste is better than Ghost MV1, and most any other vaporizer.
--Clouds are the biggest in the business.
I was hoping the MV1 would be like a battery operated Evo. It's not. It's great (when it works), but it is no Evo. Close on good draws, but usability, taste, maintenance, clouds, and every other category fall short.
The only complaint I have with an Evo is some units whistle a bit. MV1 ain't silent though, so it's close to draw there. My cloud units do not whistle at all.
If I had to have one vaporizer, it's an Evo/cloud all day, seven days a week, twice on Sunday. Way better than a MV1, volcano, mighty, etc, just not portable.
Just read the forum on the Evo. The entire forum's posts, now, are basically people loving the units.... MV1, and most any other vaporizer, definately loses that category too.
That all said, maybe your talking portable vaporizers??
Hot draw is my main complaint with vapcap. It tickles/burns the throat. Using a flame is no longer my thing either around other people. Feels like a crack pipe because my wife and friends call my vapcaps "the crack pipe." Also, listening for the click is annoying and/or impossible with any social situation or moderate noise in the room.
That said, however, I do really like these a lot when by myself. Totally like smoking a joint.
Maybe I'll try one with water hooked up to cool the vapor... @Summer has focused my attention on an induction heater, so that could change things, I have to say..
I have just been using the PBW for two weeks so I am not sure yet what if any long term effects will be.
PBW is just fine for glass, ceramic, and stainless steel. It's just a mild caustic. I've used commercial caustic (stronger PBW) on the above materials for almost 20 years and it's great. It's strongest at removing lipids but works well enough on most anything organic.
Silicone, vinyl, and rubber is okay too IME.
Also, still waiting on my MV1, repair or replace since about June 26. Hit the Evo/Cloud hard most of this time. Real nice. MV1 has big shoes to fill.
Tonight I pulled out the firefly 2. Man: flavor, flavor, flavor.
I figure my taste buds are ready to make an MV1 review![]()
Gotta say neither the Evo/Cloud or firefly 2 ever overheated!
@VCBud are you still doing the buy back- @HerbGarden29 I would look into a more entry level vape if it's your first go around ... Something you need no experience to use. Although the ghost ia a wonderful device I wouldn't recommend to someone with no experience vaping if vapecritic (@VCBud ) is still doing a trial period you could always go that route but I'm not sure he is anymore?
@VCBud are you still doing the buy back- @HerbGarden29 I would look into a more entry level vape if it's your first go around ... Something you need no experience to use. Although the ghost ia a wonderful device I wouldn't recommend to someone with no experience vaping if vapecritic (@VCBud ) is still doing a trial period you could always go that route but I'm not sure he is anymore?
I've been lurking the thread for a while, and I think I am ready to pull the trigger on this device. I am going to be a first time vaper (In fact, I've never even smoked before. My experience is with some chocolate edibles I picked up at a rec dispensary), so I have literally no experience whatsoever. For this particular vape and some of the evolution it has gone through, am I best served by purchasing direct from Ghost?
Thanks, and I look forward to providing some feedback.
I love me MV1 but I could not recommend it as a first vape. We probably need to hear more particulars to help to try to pick the right vape(s) for @HerbGarden29. The "mighty" "Solo II" are pretty much winners for everybody. Convection vapes seem to be always a bit tricky.
Not sure how this can be, my Dynavap gives lackluster performance with moist herb. Its night and day compared to dried herb, it's like a different vape.More reasons I'm happy with the Dynavap. Wet herb, dry herb, and everywhere in between. No finicky details of use.
..................................................................................Maximizing flavor is particularly important, but as a novice, equally important is being able to limit the amount used at any one time. A session type device is not something I anticipate needing or wanting any time soon. I had originally considered the Solo II, but I was concerned that even the 1/2 basket might be a little more than I need/want at once.
I do not want to get off topic though, so if need be, I can start a new thread elsewhere. Thanks for the opinions.
Sorry, you’re about to hear it again. I LOVE my MV1. It is my favorite vape! That being said, it had a huge learning curve! Seriously had me pissed off for the 38 hours it took me to learn to use it. Remember I had a crafty, and firefly 2 (and several cheaper vapes), and the MV1 was still a bitch to figure out. Dynavap M should be everyone’s first vape. It works amazingly well. It’s downr cheap. It’s really hands on to give you more insight to vaping.I've been lurking the thread for a while, and I think I am ready to pull the trigger on this device. I am going to be a first time vaper (In fact, I've never even smoked before. My experience is with some chocolate edibles I picked up at a rec dispensary), so I have literally no experience whatsoever. For this particular vape and some of the evolution it has gone through, am I best served by purchasing direct from Ghost?
Thanks, and I look forward to providing some feedback.
So, you are brand new to marijuana and vaping both, right? If so, I agree with the above....I have two MV1's, love them, but they are NOT a starter vape IMO.Maximizing flavor is particularly important, but as a novice, equally important is being able to limit the amount used at any one time. A session type device is not something I anticipate needing or wanting any time soon. I had originally considered the Solo II, but I was concerned that even the 1/2 basket might be a little more than I need/want at once.
I do not want to get off topic though, so if need be, I can start a new thread elsewhere. Thanks for the opinions.
Sorry about your two bad units, but I'm not sure I have ever seen a vape manf specify their failure analysis on an RMA'd vape.Heard back from Ghost:
"Hello [Brewervapesalot],
The evaluations of both units have been concluded and we found the following:
We sincerely apologize that you received two faulty units. We would be more than happy to send you a replacement unit that has been tested to ensure that the unit is working properly. Is this a suitable solution for you? I look forward to hearing from you!"
- SN: ****58453: The unit began to overheat on the 1st crucible using the following temperature setting: Herb - Fav 1: 1 red light and on the 1st draw.
- SN:*****58546: The unit did not produce any vapor production on any temperature setting.
Gotta say I'm honestly excited to get an MV1 in my hands despite the reliability issues. When it works, it's truly a very nice vaporizer, and has made a positive impression on me!
Plus it's a new product, and a new company, so issues I can't say I did not expect. The customer service has been very good overall, and excellent as to the point warranty service has cost me zero dollars. Not many companies do it this way....
Bottom line is I've been using other very nice vaporizers and still can't wait to get this back in my hands... One reason I think is I really like the tasty cooler vapor from a portable without need for water...
Just a suggestion, but it is to take the offered, pre-tested by CS, replacement. I believe you will love it.
@Brewervapesalot, you've said you've made it to 4-1/2 crucibles before overheating so based on how medicated you were after 4 crucibles, how many more do you think you realistically would have vaped? As such, I would ask CS to put through this est. amount of crucibles in succession (like in your vid) to be sure you get one that doesn't overheat. & I'd ask that they do 2 or 3 test sessions with it to be sure.
And if for some reason you still run into heavy usage overheating with this replacement, you'll at least know that the unit is not defective & would work well under less strenuous usage so you'll be able to sell it with a clear conscious & move on.
Edited to add: The MV-1 now has it's 1st authorized seller -- Planet of the Vapes.