Reggie Watts
Well-Known Member
I think this will be my next vape to replace my Mighty. Good idea?
Wait, if I were to get a replacement, I will get one in the mail, test it, and send my old one back?
"Why, what's the problem with this protocol? Did you not think you would have to return this unit?
I think this will be my next vape to replace my Mighty. Good idea?
I don't know of anybody who refunds on a used vape.
I have two of them and while the unit will get warm from sessioning with a crucible, I do it and do not overheat.So I got my replacement. Here's what I did. I opened it. I charged it. I turned it on. I connected it to my phone. I synced it. I updated it. I set it on two red lights. I loosely loaded a few crucibles. I took an amazing small cloud tasty hit, followed by several less tasty but large cloud, amazing, hits. I took these hits in pretty casual succession. Not rushing the session but not dilly dalleying either.
All was good....
Then flashing RED LIGHTS... The unit over heated.
This was on Friday. I've now repeated these same events at least six times. I cannot get through a single crucible without over heating.
What am I doing wrong?
The sessions are amazing... while they last .... but always an over heat.
Unit is updated. Also, if I press the button on back a certain way I can get it to stick on.... every time.. my previous units i could not do this...
It just overheats---- everytime--- before finishing the crucible.
Yep, sounds like a device issue. If Ghost doesn't respond in a reasonable time frame, tag me and I can see if I can get their attention for you over on VLF.
Thank you for that. I'll try to post a video. I have a laser thermometer so maybe I'll take temp readings of the unit in the video as I use it, as it makes great clouds, and as it ultimately overheats.
If I'm doing something wrong, feel free to criticize... The vaporizer definitely has my attention, and I want it work... even if it could just not overheat as often, I would be very happy given the rest of the experience
When I received my replacement unit, it did the same also. Just always overheated. However after a few days and making sure the battery was charged fully it was fine and never had a issue.
Try using lower temps if you haven't tried that already. Just keep at it and make sure you give enough cool down.
What I do inbetween draws is just pull without pressing the button to cool the chamber with some cold air. That does help alot but more importantly minimises my coughing a little bit!
I'll try this. Ultimately, because i vape often, one crucible doesn't cut it. I prefer 2 or 3 or 4 within 30 minutes if I'm really stiff and sore and aching, or if I want to turn off work related thoughts for the night.
To be ideal for me, the ghost can't overheat when 2 or 3 or 4 crucibles are vaped in succession. This one is overheating with 1 crucible.
I did get into a second crucible tonight before overheating, but this seems to be the best I've done so far.
Lowering the temp would probably help, but it means more hits for same level of medication. That's great sometimes for flavor and smoothness. But often, I want higher temp for faster extraction.
I'll see what ghost says and try all the suggestions posted
I'm unable to play the video.![]()
Hey man saw the video! ...dude its not a bong...your drawing speed is WAAAAAaaaaay too fast....i can hear it in the video, just saying try to slow down your hit or lower the stem a bit cause you are going to have overheating problems and poor vapor slow and steady wins the vapor.....So here's a video. Overheats at the start of the second crucible . I vaped faster to keep the video shorter. It will overheat even if I take twice as long or more...
What I am doing wrong???
Screen shot of firmware:
The same as you all?
Last, I set it down for about 5-10 minutes after that video. Couldn't even finish that second crucible without an overheat.
I sent the video to ghost. Before that they requested a serial number. So at least they're on top of it. We'll see. The hits I get are great for what it's worth. My lighting in the video was poor, but those were good clouds, nothing to complain about on that front--especially since draw resistance is basically nothing...
I did download it, but it downloaded 2 parts: 1) as .mp4 w/ 0MB & the other as .mp4part which no program will recognize. Let's see if others have an issue.
Hey man saw the video! ...dude its not a bong...your drawing speed is WAAAAAaaaaay too fast....i can hear it in the video, just saying try to slow down your hit or lower the stem a bit cause you are going to have overheating problems and poor vapor slow and steady wins the vapor.....
I did download it, but it downloaded 2 parts: 1) as .mp4 w/ 0MB & the other as .mp4part which no program will recognize. Let's see if others have an issue.
I see man im sorry to hear that. is the crucible clean? is the bud new? sometimes this happens to me when i over pack or when my vaporizer is dirty and i need to clean the heat sink.... sorry for all the questions i just want to help you out....That's a fair point. But I vaped fast so it was a shorter video. It doesnt matter how fast I pull... slow or fast or where the stem is...Always overheats...
I haven't got through a whole crucible tonight, save that first one.... waiting 10 to 20 minutes between crucibles, and still overheats (even if drawing like a firefly 2)...