Hi. Thanks for that. How is it cleaned? I saw a photo on techno something with a lot of gunge in the silicone.
Yep. Same with me. UPS bumped it up a day. I called the evening it was supposed to be delivered by 11:59 PM cuz I knew at that point it wasn't going to come, and was told that it still could show by 11:59 (haha wtf it was already past 7PM.) I got it the next day. I just figured it had something to do with the hurricanes... Mine went by way of Philly.Well, UPS are liars and charlatans. They have reneged on their promise of an improved delivery date (cough *today* cough). (Or, maybe, shit just happens but I'm not going to let common sense get in the way of my indignation so...fuck you UPS!).
What color are you going to get ??!just got my email...was considering an IQ over this but now that I have the email leaning back towards Ghost
What color are you going to get ??!
Slightly Stoopid version comes out soon. ghost let me grab the black chrome and I can switch it out when it's available
Patrick informed me I would have mine wed so shipping is quick. He said of it didn't make it on the truck today he would overnight it for me. So I mean knowing I can return it through the buy back and still willing to go lengths to get it to me quick.. I hope I get a great unit.
Once burn offs were complete the user reported there was no more off gassing. Burn offs are a good practice to rid units of manufacturing oils and residue. This goes for any vape.YouTube has a video of the ghost off gassing?!
Once burn offs were complete the user reported there was no more off gassing. Burn offs are a good practice to rid units of manufacturing oils and residue. This goes for any vape.
Wow....I didn't think they accused you of anything
But even though the threat wasn't directed namely me, but "anyone, who...", they - nor thread owner here - never contacted me on FC, or on my YT, nor commented on my issues.
My only thought, having watched many threads and posts on this vape since the first marketing announcments is that perhaps they didn't put their best foot forward due to fatigue (I have been through product launches and its hell), communication overload as they have been flooded with inquiries, and frankly there has been a good bit of character assassination and innuendos bandied about (not by you) throughout this whole period and I would presume that their butts are a bit chapped.
Satin silver likely. Need to decide tonight if I’m gonna go for it
True. A line in the instruction manual wouldn't hurt though. And for only manufacturing oils and residues one can still just hope. Is full steel/glass/ceramic on-demand portable a dream forever?
I took note of that:
However, that statement came up as first official reaction, after some user accused me of forgery. They commented in agreement:
ghostvapesofficial #1:
"something strange going on here."
ghostvapesofficial #2:
"something very strange going on here but we don't suspect that it is with our product."
and ghostvapesofficial #3:
"We are unable to replicate this "experiment" and have every confidence in the safety of our product.
We have also contacted legal to look into this and will be making a statement in due course.
In the event that someone has intentionally altered, interfered with or intentionally misused our product to damage our reputation, we will take the strongest possible course of action."
So they did accuse me. And considering a very sensitive nature of the purpose of their product pulling out a "legal threat" card over a video showing my negative first experience with their "medical grade" instrument, is below the belt. Isn't this a fucking democracy?
I am testing these things the way I do because my state of health does require a medical instrument. And I am working class, so my dissapointment is probably exponential for higher spendings.
A video is more, than words. But not more than a negative criticism. I was expecting something honest, straight answer to it (by VCBud maybe, who started this Ghost MV1 thread) - like:
"sorry to see you having trouble with the Ghost. I couldn't replicate this issue myself, therefore I suppose it is your device exclusively have some fault. There is a possibility, that some manufacturing residue remained around the heater which you witnessed evaporating, so I advise you to do a few more burn-off till all pollution dissipates. I therefore will advise Ghost to include this method (both burn-off, and a "with backlight in dark" testing) in their product assembly finalizing, before packaging. Until then I advise all who already ordered to do a few empty run before first actual use for if nothing else, but to get used to the button sequences for a better first experience."
In fact, I just realized that this offgassing issue with many vaporizers is still a somehow overlooked, undervoiced problem, therefore no real pressure, demand on the market for better "out of the box" experiences. In my view air regulation, heat containment to medical standards in a vaporizer is a challenging engineering problem, and still too many compromise manufacturers make.
Even though you bona fide vape through these gases, whatever they are will probably be no more competition for your lungs than your everyday dust and gas. I however went through too many Asia wonder conduction sets, and some was pretty fucking horror to open and gut after months of use. For long I thought that plasticy flavor is just "comes with them", before I curiously ripped up the first to see all melt cables, blackened flux on solder etc. to wake to disgust and alarm. Not really OCD if you think of years of daily use.
But other than health I emphasize pure flavors too, as I have an ongoing concept to utilize vapes for very legal stuff (peppermint, sage, orange peel, coffee!!), to keep me off cigarettes, believe or not.
For this low heat settings are crucial to me, Ghost MV1 was a promise in this aspect too, as it was to be with "additional temperature controls to enhance and tailor your vaping experience. " illustrated with this picture, showing the very good 170 C° which can be lowered on a dial all the way to 140 C°!!
Well, I can totally accept that. Time and results will probably restore my faith.
Hear my voice, creators.
Clear that path.
I think you deserve an apology from Ghost team.
That, and I'm still waiting for a video showing a fresh unit not off gassing. I've seen one with my own eyes where it does, but have only been expected to take the word of those who say it doesn't![]()
An apology? I mean if someone feels the unit isn't safe get a refund ... Don't wait to hear sorry from someone.. I've got one comming and I'll do the burn off or whatever and IF it off gases I'm sure I'll be hitting up the vapecritic and ghost for a full refund. Imo a five letter word is not going to fix ANYTHING. I agree they went over the top with a open ended threat for anyone trying to fabricate an experiment. If @Gibarian didn't fabricate anything (said he didn't) then it wasn't meant for him.
Calm down everyone. Rolling out new Vapes comes with it's issues. It's not a cheap vape so I understand frustrations with getting a dud or something that doesn't preform to that $300 standard. No one forced me to purchase. I'm taking a risk but when there is a money back guarantee.... Not much of a risk
We did actually carry out extensive field tests, including a 3 month tour where hundreds if not thousands of people tried the product and where 25 units were under constant use by our team, band members, roadies and management. We didn't have a single failure whatsoever. The same with Bud who has been extensively using the product for over 6 months.
Yeah i wasnt discrediting the threat twords @Gibarian just stating that if he didn't fabricate the off gassing then he doesn't fall into the category of legal action required.. @m0sh yo man I'm with you I'm not saying ghost went about it the right way I just don't see how a sorry will do anything ... As you mentioned since Vapes have been around so have issues with those Vapes. It is what it is .. I don't feel like defending my statements I'm just giving a new company the benefit of the doubt. Sorry if I offended more seasoned vapors.
And yeah just finished a round of beta testing with another manufacturer that seemed to go on forever. Yet still people will complain when it comes to market because technology can be finicky.