Had my inaugural session at 4:20 today (literally) with my replacement MV-1.
The original one just seemed like an "underperformer"? The heating coil fired fine
BUT it never was a hard hitter and left a lot of goodies in the ABV, even after hits on 2 red.
Whimpy output but was it my buds, grind, etc??
@ghostvapesofficial , Nerissa---- very glad Ghost stellar customer service recommended a
replacement. I kept trying to "fix it" on the original with my technique but.. after one session on replacement, here's the comparison:
My new MV-1 appears to hit much harder on 2 yellow vs prev MV on 2 red. Actually, WAY harder.
So far, I'm lovin it.
FYI, I've been doing CBD lately for increased med problems SO haven't had THC bud lately. Have severe
lack of supply + saving last to try in MV-1 replacement. Have some THC bud left for further trials. I had 2 pulls about 3 hours ago and still feeling it! That's the MV-1 like it's supposed to be