Don't care why Bud was banned, that's between him and the mods. But sure would be nice to have a representative form the Ghost team to speak to, it's one of the major benefits of this community, the close relationship with the vendors and manufacturers.
I too was interested and have been lurking for some time waiting for more info on this vape.
I'm reserving judgement though until there is some real world feedback.
The crucible screen is currently putting me off, so is not having a screen and basic usable input feature. When folk started talking about stems it really hit home that the crucible may be looking to solve a problem that doesn't exist.
Gotta say that heater glowing red looked really cool but
@KeroZen's comments was a quick reminder of why the cool looking glowing thing isn't always good for ones health:
The price is also a little off putting, once you total it all up.
I'm going to keep an open mind but I'll let others jump in first and see what the general consensus is in a few months time, I got vapes stacking up that really deserve more attention.
Shit, I may be growing as a person, did I just show some level of VAS resistance?