As mentioned, there's lots of user variability on the forum. Here's a similar thread with some feedback as well.
I've reduced my cannabis use over the last ~3.5 years as I have slowly gone with more and more microdosing. I use 0.050 grams per bowl and after a weekly break aim for 3 sessions from it (w/ one temp step). I take a 0.050 gram bowl down to two sessions in the third day of use... and sometimes in the second day of use when I want extra extra oomph.
0.20 grams total weekly is the current goal and and if more, it's not much more. I only use cannabis (vaping) from Friday to Sunday. One bowl on Friday after a weekly break lasts me ~10-11 hours. 1-2 bowls on Saturday (one bowl is the goal, with a current ~50% success rate). Sunday is 1-2 bowls again. Unsurprisingly, f/x and duration go down over those three days and the amount used goes up to compensate. However, I've also switched to trying to use less cannabis on Sunday's to be more productive early in the work week.
My routine gets me haf. Can get woozy

. Recently, 3 bowls on a Saturday had me greening out that evening.
I microdab as well, but pretty much over winter when things are quieter. A gram will last me at least a few years with sharing. And 1/8th of flower lasts me ~16-17 weeks, >3 months vaping.
It sounds low compared to many here, but I've seen others post that do a fair amount less cannabis than me
