I've recently made the switch from console gaming to PC gaming. The graphic card was not cheap, and since I bought a full tower case to go with it, I ended up too broke to buy games, but there are SO many free-to-play games right now, it's basically overwhelming.
-Planetside 2, (mentioned already) which is unlike any other First Person Shooter I have played --- it's hard to believe that it's free to play, to be honest.
-Path of Exile --- It's a Diablo type game (dungeon crawler?). I haven't played Diablo III yet, but I've seen video of it and it seems that it has very similar graphics as Path of Exile. Some people have said that this game is better than Diablo III so it may be worth checking out if you are tired of Diablo...
- Hawken - it's a mech game, kind of like Unreal tournament except you play as a mech
-Firefall - not sure how I feel about this one... I've only played for a short time and couldn't really get into it... (I think it isn't open for beta testing yet, but there was a weekend where they let everyone try it... if you are interested you can try to make an account and see what happens
https://beta.firefallthegame.com/accounts/new )
Check videos for these games on youtube and you can decide if you would be interested in downloading/playing them. Of course, since they are all free, you don't have anything to lose if you try them just based on how I've explained them.
i have a razer deathadder. it's nice but i wish i went with a logitech one that is more formed for the hand. mine doesn't really rest that well on it, feel like i'm hovering my palm over it and only have my fingers on the buttons. still a nice mouse none the less.
You are NOT alone. People rave about the Razer Deathadder. It's even listed as the #1 best selling gaming mouse on Amazon (I think?). Sadly, I couldn't get used to the shape of it either. I believe our fingers naturally curl a little. When you place your hand on the Deathadder, your fingers are forced straight forward - they can't rest naturally because the buttons are straight and flat, rather than curved downward toward the front. I replaced the Deathadder with a Logitech G500, but the G500 also has some things that I don't like:
-I get a slight cramp toward the base of my ring/pinky finger
-The side buttons are small and not placed where my thumb can easily reach all of them -- luckily, I can reach 2 out of 3, and the software allows you to re-bind all of the buttons, so I can bind the hard-to-reach one to something less important
-Scroll wheel is a little overly sensitive, so it's easy to overscroll in first person shooters where you normally use the wheel to change weapon
-The laser is placed toward the front of the mouse, rather than the middle. Before I bought it, I read some reviews that listed this as a bad thing, but it sounded to me like it wouldn't matter and was a bit of a ridiculous thing to complain about --- but it DOES make a difference. It's hard to explain exactly how it makes a difference, and some people may be able to get used to it, but it depends.
The one I've been looking at is called Mionix NAOS 8200. It's really expensive, but it has little spots for your ring and pinky finger to rest, which might be the solution to the cramps I have been getting. Back in the day I used to use a Microsoft Intellimouse which was very comfortable and worked great, until it just stopped working.
I played a little campaign and remembered how lame the halo enemies are. I just don't give a fuck about the story at all. I actually think the game is pretty weak compared to other top notch FPS. COD MW, L4d & l4d2, I have even ran the demo of Mass Effect 2 and I am into it... halo campaign is just so awful.
I'm a big Halo fan and I have to say that the Halo games on Xbox 360 are not as good as Halo 1 and Halo 2 on the original Xbox. Halo 3 was ok, and so was ODST, but Halo Reach was a huge letdown for me in regard to story as well as multiplayer. In the Halo 1 campaign, the AI enemies were smart and strategically placed in huge environments that you had to blindly navigate. In Halo Reach, everything is set out in a straight path for you. There's no confusion as to where you have to go or what you have to do. Enemies are littered RANDOMLY throughout the levels. I always hoped one day they would re-release Halo 1 as a downloadable Xbox Live marketplace title, with online multiplayer functionality added. 343 Studios announced they were working on a Halo 1 remake --- I thought my prayers were answered, only to be let down after hearing that instead of re-making the multiplayer, they chose to design the Halo 1 maps for Halo Reach

I tried Halo 4 (also made by 343 Studios) and to me, it felt very much like Halo Reach. I still haven't played Halo 4 campaign, though. Kind of sad that I'm such a big fan, yet have lost interest in the series.