Fwiw there is the Reddit Cannabis Discord that /r/vaporents participates in. There are various subreddits connected along with a gaming section everyone is welcome to join even if you aren't a Reddit user. Its not too active but probably more active than a new discord would be and we are still primarily vapist there.Pow wow power powow
I just bought my first gaming desktop in 12-14 years!!!!
Putting it together today and thought it would be cool to have a discord or something for all the pc gamers here
Actually there exist two FC discord and I started one of themFwiw there is the Reddit Cannabis Discord that /r/vaporents participates in. There are various subreddits connected along with a gaming section everyone is welcome to join even if you aren't a Reddit user. Its not too active but probably more active than a new discord would be and we are still primarily vapist there.
Otherwise if someone makes or wants a fuckcombustion exclusive discord I'm not against joining or even making it.
Shovel knight has been one of sweeter platformer I played in a long timeThe Switch is nice. Granted it's my only system...but it's got a lot of indie games on it that are very affordable and lots of fun. But yes, the Mario and Zelda are both great games. I'm not a huge fan of shooting games typically, but I would love to play some Overwatch on the Switch. I play PS4 from time to time at my buddies, but honestly, a lot of the games he has don't really do it for me.
I can't get into RPGs the way I used to when I was a wee one. Now that I'm old, I really really really love platform games! 2D for the win!
I just finished Metro 2033 Redux and Last Light Redux. Amazing games! The story is the best I've ever experienced in a game.
I’ve been bouncing around with what game I want to play for a week now and finally settled on finishing Divinity 2.
I’m in the second area of the game and it’s been a blast so far. It’s like someone took Fable and made it into a top down RPG. The humour is excellent and the game flip flops from serious to comedy.
It’s one of the best RPG that I’ve played to date.
Got an Oculus Rift and racing in Project Cars 2 feels like you are actually on the track.
Sorry for butting in, but I thought I'd chime in with some of the ones I play the most:i got a rift a few months ago and am curious as to what you've tried and enjoyed . the only games i've played all the way through are technolust , superhot , and lone echo (superhot is SO good) - but i've bought a bunch of stuff . put some time in on unspoken and robo recall and keep trying to get into eve:valkyrie + just dloaded battlezone . i've also watched (skimmed) a lot of the free 3d content in the oculus store . am still undecided on the format overall and would love to hear your impressions and any recommendations on games/3d stuff you've found .
Sorry for butting in, but I thought I'd chime in with some of the ones I play the most:
ty SO much for your input , dlaoded Gorn and played the hell out of it over the holiday , my niece and nephew loved it ( after i killed the monitor display so they knew their mom couldn't see all the gore ...)
i saw fallout 4 is now available for vive owners , anybody play it on vive or maybe tried it with oculus ?
I was shopping on steam during their holiday sale and was just about to pull the trigger on Fallout 4 VR (not on sale unfortunately) when I thought to check the system requirements and my video card didn't cut it. I might wait for a sale and try it anyways sometime.ty SO much for your input , dlaoded Gorn and played the hell out of it over the holiday , my niece and nephew loved it ( after i killed the monitor display so they knew their mom couldn't see all the gore ...)
i saw fallout 4 is now available for vive owners , anybody play it on vive or maybe tried it with oculus ?
i got a rift a few months ago and am curious as to what you've tried and enjoyed . the only games i've played all the way through are technolust , superhot , and lone echo (superhot is SO good) - but i've bought a bunch of stuff . put some time in on unspoken and robo recall and keep trying to get into eve:valkyrie + just dloaded battlezone . i've also watched (skimmed) a lot of the free 3d content in the oculus store . am still undecided on the format overall and would love to hear your impressions and any recommendations on games/3d stuff you've found .
Sorry for butting in, but I thought I'd chime in with some of the ones I play the most:
Space Pirate Trainer - best wave shooter in a sea of vr wave shooters, super addicting
Arizona Sunshine - great non-wave zombie shooter
I'm absolutely loving Gorn right now, it's so derpy and brutal at the same time. One of the most satisfying melee combat vr games I've played:
For sitting and gamepad stuff I love:
Subnautica - amazing underwater survival game
House of the Dying Sun - amazing space fighter/strategy game
I was shopping on steam during their holiday sale and was just about to pull the trigger on Fallout 4 VR (not on sale unfortunately) when I thought to check the system requirements and my video card didn't cut it. I might wait for a sale and try it anyways sometime.
Processor: CPU: Intel Core i5-4590 or AMD FX 8350 or better
Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 / AMD RX Vega 56 or better