Damn I think I need a rollie too now!
@FlashVAPE you guys are based in Canada? Just curious what the total on a rollie would be in CND funds? I'm located near Toronto, Ontario.
@biohacker, sorry buddy, i missed your question earlier. In Canadian funds it works out to about $2400 plus tax (Rollie+hand pump), which includes shipping via Purolator Ground (typically 4-5 days for delivery).
So there's no parchment, but you have to scrape the plates after every press right? The edited video leaves that bit out, but that's the realization of squishing with no parchment, isn't it
@FlashVAPE ?
@invertedisdead, you dont have to clean the plates after each press. you can simply clean the plates when you switch strains to prevent cross contamination, or at the end of your session when you are ready to call it the day. I've outlined some cleaning techniques in an earlier post this morning, here it is for your easy reference:
The plates on our presses such as the ROLLIE are hard anodized, which creates a harder than steel surface on the aluminum plate that is also non-stick. Before you upright the press after the squish, use a silicon kitchen spatula spoon to give the crack between the plates a quick swipe, to collect the droplets which have not drip down at the end. Then upright the press, and switch out the chips for new bagged pucks. Pressurize and down goes the press again, to repeat the cycle. There will always be the same amount of rosin stuck on the plates no matter if you are squishing just 1 set of pucks or 100 set of pucks in this one cycle, as new rosin being produced by fresh pucks will displace most of what's left on the plates from the last set of squished chips. So this amount of rosin left on the plates when running paperless, becomes less significant the more weight you process in one session. Whats more is that at the end when you are cleaning up, simply use your silicon spatula spoon to give the the plate a quick squeegee, and you will be able to collect most of that rosin left on the plate anyways. Clean up is easy, just use a 70/30 mix of ISO alcohol/water on paper towel to wipe down the plate's surface. Your done in less than a minute, and ready for the next strain. We've designed these machines with just about everything exposed and easily accessible, to make cleaning up a breeze. In our video tutorial series about to be released, we will show this process in detail. If you do a quick wipe down after each session, you dont really have much to worry about in terms of a sticky mess. And also, cleaning while the plates are hot is much easier, just put on a set of thicker rubber of silicon gloves and go at it, without the need to cool down the system completely.