Bob Loblaw
what's a fuck you w/out a little rage

Fucking no doubt ! How come it's the only test I could score High numbers on and still FAIL .FUCK DRUG TESTS..
Fuck dreams. I just woke up from a dream where I scored a bunch of pills and had taken some. Fiendin' mode engage!
See the thing I hate about my scoring dreams is I don't usually get to use in them, or if I do (like this morning's dream), I never stay in my dream long enough to get high in it, so I wake up feeling ripped off. OFC this dream had ~100mg hydrocodone and I had taken half of that, waiting to get high in a movie theater-kind of room... wake up... not high... no free drugs... felt like crying for a little bitcheers on the fuck dreams. i actually woke up this morning yelling out "Fuck YOU!" to an empty house.
Scientists that actually look at REAL data said:Some eminent scientists now believe the world is heading for a period of cooling that will not end until the middle of this century – a process that would expose computer forecasts of imminent catastrophic warming as dangerously misleading.
Fuck those bastard no good for nothing fuck wads that actually conduct drug tests and infringe on peoples rights!FUCK DRUG TESTS..
Is there a bigger con-artist douche-bag on Earth than Fucking Al Gore! Always disliked that porcine, pasty faced prick...I know there are a lot of people that hated Bush...but...Gore/Edwards....what a fucking joke that would have been...mother fucking low life's...dynamic duo of douchedom...FUCK POLITICIANS!!
Nope!Is that a fuckin' martini olive Tweek?
Samsquanch, Esq.
Holy fuck dude. I only JUST NOW clued into the fact that you live in or around Sunnyvale Trailer Park.
Fuck Mr Lahey and Randy.
(Uh... when they aren't otherwise engaging in that behavior themselves.)
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