Canadians AND Australians talk funny.
"Put another shrimp on the barbie"?
"I'm abaoot to go to the washroom? Wanna come, eh?"
WTF ???????
And not only that, ya gotta question any country that has a fucking kangaroo hopping about all over the place or a country that has a fucking beaver for a national symbol. I fuck beavers.
Get rid of the fucking kangaroos and get rabbits like every one else, and find another national symbol other that a fucking beaver. We have a goddamn eagle. Now THAT'S a national symbol.
Beavers and kangaroos. Genetic mutations at best.
Oh, and another thing. You guys still worship the Queen Mother? WTF is that all about? Why not just become a colony again and be done with it? I mean, we were a colony too, but we don't put the fucking queen on our postage stamps. WTF??
It seems that I missed this during my busy day yesterday.
Well heres a hearty fuck you to the OP!
Praise jeebus you mentioned funny talkers & seem to think you dont have any.
Do you think if Fran Drescher and Dolly parton went for a granny lesbo scene that all communication would go smoothly? Someones kinish would get probed when she clearly asked for a tongue tuckus massage
Throw them bitches in some jelly and shit would get very fucken weird.
Shrimp on the barbie................ We call them prawns, we felt it was neccessary to dumb it down for you fucks.
When presented with something slightly out of the ordinary you guys tend to lose your shit and blow it up, then invade. We really only wanted you guys to come here spend your $$$, get bitten by lots of shit, then fuck off home to go and harass some arabs.
Hence '' the shrimp for dummies'' commercial was born.
Now in regards to national symbols
Ours are the kangaroo and the Emu. Not the best choices, granted.
But we are the only country that eats their national coat of arms.
Fucking practical! Mind you tho, the Emu is bit of a pussy animal. Sure they can disembowel you if really shit them. But fuck that shit, if you gotta have a bird, then get one of these mo-fos.
Goddamn Cassowary! Its an Emu with fucken roid rage! Its got a helmet on its head, and some claws that WILL tear your guts out just for being nearby!
The kangaroo is quite a dangerous animal, with many attacks a year. I dont think there has been any fatalities tho, but its common for them to drown dogs that get too close to them & water during drought. the roos see the dogs as competing for a scarce resource. the water
Its pretty common, heaps of shit on the net. heres the 1st one I found.
Now tweek will tell you that he eats lots of beaver. but he is fat, hairy and bald. he is eating something, but its not beaver, trust me.
You got an Eagle you say?? WTF?? there is like 10 of them left?? Dont imagine they would be good eating either. They fucken kill anyone recently??
Didnt fucken think so!
Speaking of genetic mutations, Ive seen swamp people & turtleman. you have whole states of genetic mutations dude.
I hear you on the monarchy queen thing. Its bit of a sore point here, but at least they aint spying on us.
who the fuck is on your stamps???
Sponge fucking Bob Squarepants? Oh thats right, you got some Kenyan fella on yours.
Besides you have us mixed up with them pesky catholics. they worship Mary Jeebus's mum, the queens mum was just a lovely old dear thats dead now. But her daughter ' the Queen' is still going strong, but I have hope she too will pop off soon.
I think thats everything.
So thanks for the opportunity to play in your nice thread.
Fuck you very much!