And fuck you Canadian basher bashers.Fuck all you Canada bashers. One of the greatest Countries in the world. We may be at a low spot right now, but we will be back in the saddle. At least as a country, we don't treat our citizens like criminals (Harper is just a blip), deny anyone the right to a proper education, or block cultures from expressing themselves. Not to mention our healthcare system, even though it is overburdened, does not turn anyone away for treatment.
I could also add how we've helped save many asses over the years and through various wars and political unrest in the world. Or our innovations, and beautiful natural resources that other countries drool over. The fact that I can drive across this beautiful land, without encountering a check point, or someone with an AK-47 in their back seat.
Are we perfect? No...but no Country is. But we are hell of alot better than some places in this world, and I am happy to live here. So yeah, fuck you arrogant assholes who want to bash Canada. We are more than happy not to have your type here.
It's all good,buddy!So yeah, fuck you arrogant assholes who want to bash Canada.
Fuck fucking!
No wait....
Fuck all you Canada bashers. One of the greatest Countries in the world. We may be at a low spot right now, but we will be back in the saddle. At least as a country, we don't treat our citizens like criminals (Harper is just a blip), deny anyone the right to a proper education, or block cultures from expressing themselves. Not to mention our healthcare system, even though it is overburdened, does not turn anyone away for treatment.
I could also add how we've helped save many asses over the years and through various wars and political unrest in the world. Or our innovations, and beautiful natural resources that other countries drool over. The fact that I can drive across this beautiful land, without encountering a check point, or someone with an AK-47 in their back seat.
Are we perfect? No...but no Country is. But we are hell of alot better than some places in this world, and I am happy to live here. So yeah, fuck you arrogant assholes who want to bash Canada. We are more than happy not to have your type here.
Harden up pussyman!
I cant believe you wrote this rant after all the shit you gimme for being aussie.
Fucking priceless. Tweek thats the best dummy spit I have seen from you yet.
Boo-hoo, donna picka ona my country, what you fucking italian too? (oops you are arent you?)
Bwhahahahahahahaha, I love how you try to convince us by listing of percieved qualities you think your country has.
that was so fucking easy, we should do this again soon.
your a riot!![]()
A big fuck you shout out to all the douche bag cigarette smokers who think the world is their personal ash tray as they toss their fucking cig butts everywhere and anywhere.
Fucking selfish pigs. Eat shit and die.![]()
If I wasn't Canadian I'd say "Fucking A" ... being Canadian I'll say "Fucking eh?"Ode to lwien and the rest of you fuckers:
May the bleeding piles be with you,
And corns grow on your feet,
And crabs as big as horseflies
Stop at your crotch to eat.
And when you're old and feeble*,
A syphilitic wreck,
May your tailbone fall through your asshole
And break you goddamned neck.
* Okay lwien is already old and feeble, this part is for the rest of you.
PS I'm on Maui and you're not.
Sea urchins can be real pricks.
Where's Bob? For that matter ... where's Waldo? Fuck am I ever confused .................... huh .... what's this thread about again ..... oh yeah ... FUCK THE CANADIAN CONSERVATIVE GOVERNMENT!!!!Who the fuck is Bob?
Fuck ya paka . is that what Maui does to you ?Fuck fucking!
No wait....
Fuck ya paka . is that what Maui does to you ?
HEeeall yeah . ya all .I just happened to catch part of "Backyard Oil" last night just because the TV was on ... and I gotta' say ... I think Americans talk pretty funny too(local dialect is always amusing