Fuck you !!!


Flower Potted, Maxed, & Rio'd.
Are we all ready to bow down to our new A.I/Robotic Overlords? :bowdown:

We may not have a choice someday.:borg:

Don't think they could run the country any worse than the ass hats that are there now...:doh:


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever read the Philip K Dick short, second variety? If not, I recommend it. Gives a realistic and chilling account of what could be. Terminator drew inspiration from it.

Never read him, Tweek, but if I had to place a bet, I don't think man versus machine is the scenario. What I do believe though is that man and machine will become one in our search for immortality. We are already on that path.


Flower Potted, Maxed, & Rio'd.
Loved most of Phillip K Dick's stories. I know Blade Runner came from his inspiration...but I think Cameron got in trouble for stealing too much of Terminator from Harlan Ellison...another favorite author of mine.:)


Well-Known Member
Nope. Waiting to wait, or so I hear.

Waiting blows. Fuck it.

I waited 2 hours for a ride when it was -30 out and I didn't have a jacket on (Stupid kid I was). The person was late, so I wandered around a dark, forested bike path trying to keep warm...and this was after having watched some horror movie about alien abductions.

So yeah, waiting really sucks...but I definitely tested the limits of my endurance!

I do not recommend.


Well-Known Member
Loved most of Phillip K Dick's stories. I know Blade Runner came from his inspiration...but I think Cameron got in trouble for stealing too much of Terminator from Harlan Ellison...another favorite author of mine.:)

Many critics also pan him for stealing from Second Variety as well. Maybe stealing is too harsh a word...but it definitely was an inspiration.

Never read him, Tweek, but if I had to place a bet, I don't think man versus machine is the scenario. What I do believe though is that man and machine will become one in our search for immortality. We are already on that path.

I think there will still be a point where we question "Are you still human?" after so many augmentations. If that sort of tech really blows up, society could be facing the creation of a whole new race and culture which could inevitably take over.

Fascinating stuff. Clarkesworld is an excellent source of sci-fi & fantasy for those interested:



Well-Known Member
For some. Not everyone will want it. Of course they will eventually fade into obscurity...but knowing human nature, that won't be without a fight...which is where the problem is and the potential for a "terminator" like scenario.

Yeah. Agreed. The road is not going to be an easy one. It won't just be who wants it and who doesn't, but who can afford it and who can't.

Man, people think we have a race and class issue now? We ain't seen nothin' yet.


Flower Potted, Maxed, & Rio'd.
Of course I am biased (my avatar) towards Dan Simmons' Hyperion Cantos. He is a fantastic writer who crosses genre's with ease and has won the top awards for SF, Fantasy and Horror.

The Hyperion books (4) are a great read and cover a lot of what we are yacking about here with A.I.'s and the choices to be or not be human. One of the few series I pick back up every 5 years or so and read through again.:)
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