Only series of its length that had me on the edge of my seat right to the last page.
How about Peter F. Hamilton's
Confederation Universe/Commonwealth Universe series?
I highly recommend that.
Another great series is
The Discworld-series by Terry Pratchett of course(in fact i've got just about everything by that particular author,his 'children's books' are absolutely worth reading as an adult as well,in contrast to stories about a certain bespectacled ceramicsmaker...

I still have to read the last installment of
The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant by Stephen R. Donaldson.
I did make a start in it,but i forgot his first series was IMO 'somewhat' slower and a lot more intricate and had trouble getting 'into it'.
So i put
Against All things Ending away for now and when i'm finished with
The Long Earth i'm currently reading,i'm starting in
Great North Road.
Back on topic...
Fuck my dentist for being a non-listening,judgemental prick with illusions of grandeur...
Hate it when people make snap judgements about people's faculties based on their appearance...
So i look like a manual worker,because i chose to work for peanuts in the outdoors and am smiling all day...
I highly suspect in fact i'm up on him by quite a lot of IQ-points and would like to be treated with some respect thank you very much...

Also fuck the infection of course which seems to necessitate a root canal treatment...oh joy...