Fuck you !!!


well-worn member
I was thinking brain freeze aka ice cream headache


They really suck but don't last, fuck 'em anyways :nod:


We're here to fuck shit up.
Pushing your tongue hard to the roof of your mouth will help relieve an ice cream headache.

Fuck migraines. They are my only real malady (knock on wood), but they can be fucking debilitating. The funny thing is that the only remedy is some good Indica and a tall glass of Coke.


Over the falls, in a barrel
The funny thing is that the only remedy is some good Indica and a tall glass of Coke.
Yeah, it's the caffiene that's helping in the coke, as it's a vasoconstricter. I've also found anything cold will give some temporary relief. Coffee ice cream also makes for a nice treat(ment) I think. :)

Woops, I smiled in the FU thread.
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Flower Potted, Maxed, & Rio'd.
Hated migraines as a child....nothing....and I mean nothing worked for them. Had a few every month and cried and puked for hours in my 7-12 years.:puke:

As I got older they came less frequently and now I'm good for only 1 or 2 a year. And the weird thing is that for some reason ibuprofen works great on them and will get rid of most pain in an hour or two. Better than any stronger (narco) meds.

Really could have used that stuff when I was young...but yeah...I'm old enough to predate ibuprofen...at least the non-prescription version.

FUCK HEADACHES! I feel for anyone who gets those motherfuckers!

If you've never had a real migraine...not the little pussy headaches that make your day at work a little uncomfortable...I mean the REAL headaches that make death seem like a real, viable alternative, then you have no clue as to what anyone who gets them goes through.

One more time...FUCK HEADACHES!!!:(:mad:

Bob Loblaw

Hmm, I'd read that one theory suggests migranes are caused by blood vessel spasms that leave them over-dilated... It was a while ago, I'll have to do some more reading.
Caffeine metabolites
Metabolites of caffeine also contribute to caffeine's effects. Paraxanthine is responsible for an increase in the lipolysis process, which releases glyceroland fatty acids into the blood to be used as a source of fuel by the muscles. Theobromine is a vasodilator that increases the amount of oxygen and nutrient flow to the brain and muscles. Theophylline acts as a smooth muscle relaxant that chiefly affects bronchioles and acts as a chronotrope andinotrope that increases heart rate and force of contraction.[129]

i also have suffered since puberty w/ migraines. some to do w/ diet, some to do w/ anxiety, both usually symptomatic of my IBS.

also grandfather died of alzheimer's. was only a few years, so a quick decline, but not an enjoyable one. WWII vet, was clean-up after the bombings. found bunkers full of dead jews. was a pretty messed up and quiet guy. but when he smiled, it lit his face like 4th of july.



Flower Potted, Maxed, & Rio'd.
Nice info about your Grandpop...it is sad to know that every day we lose more and more of the greatest generation. :cry:

What they faced and sacrificed is astounding and I am sad that we all get older, fade away and finally die. Guess it's the Nature of everything...but still doesn't mean it doesn't suck.

FUCK mortality :(
FUCK immortality (I think it would get boring pretty quick):shrug:


Over the falls, in a barrel
Caffeine metabolites
Metabolites of caffeine also contribute to caffeine's effects. Paraxanthine is responsible for an increase in the lipolysis process, which releases glyceroland fatty acids into the blood to be used as a source of fuel by the muscles. Theobromine is a vasodilator that increases the amount of oxygen and nutrient flow to the brain and muscles. Theophylline acts as a smooth muscle relaxant that chiefly affects bronchioles and acts as a chronotrope andinotrope that increases heart rate and force of contraction.[129]
Interesting, I found this study from 2010:

"Caffeine is a commonly used neurostimulant that also produces cerebral vasoconstriction by antagonizing adenosine receptors. Chronic caffeine use results in an adaptation of the vascular adenosine receptor system presumably to compensate for the vasoconstrictive effects of caffeine."

"A 250 mg dose of caffeine has been shown to reduce resting cerebral blood flow (CBF) between 22 and 30% (Cameron et al., 1990; Field et al., 2003; Lunt et al., 2004)."

Thank god the study is freely available. Fuck paywalled research.
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well-worn member
I'm grateful that I don't get migraines. I had a gf once that got them like clockwork once a month and it was horrible to witness. But I get tension headaches like a motherfucker, they go nicely with the cervical issues. Fuck them, I'm fucking tired of them but not a lot I can do about them so fuck them again, both coming and going and coming back again fuck them.

Caffeine is interesting in that you quickly build up a tolerance to it, but you can also get "back to normal" in just a week of cold turkey. To get the effect of 1 cup of coffee the next day you would need 2, then 4 on the 3rd day, 8 on the 4th etc. But quit all sources cold for a week no matter how "strung out" you are, and you're back to one cup. Like an infinite reset button!
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Well-Known Member
I posted this in another old thread, but what the hell. These fucking robots deserve to be here instead and not only that, but fucking DARPA should be renamed Graystone Industries.

Amazing AND scary as hell at the same time.

Fuck Skynet !!!
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Well-Known Member
How 'bout when you call up a government agency or a utility company or any large corporation that has an automated operator who tells you, "I'm sorry. All operators are busy now. Please hold for the next available operator".

3 minutes later, a recording comes on asking you if you want to partake in a survey. You say, "Fuck no. Just get me to a human", while knowing full well that no one is listening to your latest request.

5 minutes later and the automated operator comes back on and says, "Due to an unexpected volume of calls, all operators are still talking to other customers. Please don't hang up as the next available operator will be with you shortly".

5 minutes later and you FINALLY get a live operator, and you think, "Thank God", who then forwards your call to where you want to go. The new live operator of this department answers the phone and proceeds to tell you that she cannot help you but she knows who can and will transfer your call right away………..and then…………..

disconnects you, or worse, you get a recording stating that the mailbox is full and is not accepting messages and asks you if you want to go back to the general operator.

FUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fuck Skynet !!!
I'd say it's almost here...

I used to get some nice doozies of migraines when i was a kid,i'm very,very fucking greatful i did not do anymore as an adult!
Fuck the virus that has got my nose running and throat sore...even my vapes are less enjoyable...
At least the amoxycilline seems to be killing the bugs that set up home in my gums,yeah!:rockon:

Ps More from Darpa :
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Well-Known Member
Check out the balancing gyro's in this guy on ice and when one of the techs tries to push him over or when it walks over cinder blocks or jumping over barriers. Pretty fucking amazing:

What boggles the mind though is these are vids that are the ones that are released to the public (and the one above is 5 years old). What in the hell do they have now that is under classified wraps?
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