During my 15yrs. in the Army I was deployed in numerous third-world shit holes,but the three years in Afganistan was a real eye opener. Those people literally have NOTHING,I mean nothing. No infrastructure at all. If some lucky bastard had acess to electricity he was the envy of the whole area. Now when I say they have nothing,I mean exactly that. In that part of the world just having a roof puts you in the upper class. No carpet,no furniture,no running realy is like stepping back into the stone age. But somehow they make do. Tough people,they have to be just to survive. If your kid gets the flu he has about a 30% chance of survival. Even though I was being paid to shoot them,I had to admire their toughness. They don't back down from a fight....ever.
Once I got home I swore never to take anything for granted,especially the little things. I live in the mid-west and even the hogs and cattle live better than the average Afgan.
The moral of this story? I don't care how bad you got it,it could be worse,way worse. So please appreciate what you have and if you happen to have a little extra,help someone out. We're all in this together and we only get one go-around on this planet so let's make the best of it.
Or not,fuck I don't care.
Once I got home I swore never to take anything for granted,especially the little things. I live in the mid-west and even the hogs and cattle live better than the average Afgan.
The moral of this story? I don't care how bad you got it,it could be worse,way worse. So please appreciate what you have and if you happen to have a little extra,help someone out. We're all in this together and we only get one go-around on this planet so let's make the best of it.
Or not,fuck I don't care.