I got ocular blephartis as well. Makes my eyes twitch like a motherfucker, but never when I am the shops, so I never remember to buy the baby shampoo.
I cant see anywhere that it does any damage to your eye,
and the fact the odd person thinks I am having a stroke or something makes it fun.
I have cameras in both ends at various times, and I gotta say that if you have a have a 'procedure'.
Thems the 'procedures' I like.
The bum one was the worst, but on a scale of pleasantness, I give it an 8/10.
2 points lost for having a sore ass afterwards for a bit. (they did a roid raid)
But the goop to make me poop was no big deal. The fasting wasnt hard.
Fuckers were on time on the day, they even asked me how much I drink and vape/smoke in order to adjust the level anesthesia required. (I believe they set the dial to 11 for me.

In and fucken out like a gangsta. totally oblivious to being violated, till I got home. See roid raid comment above
Had the camera down the gullet twice. I Have to say, Ima massive fan of this one.
Very pleasant, 10/10 for no fuss, no drama, painless, stressless.
Rating becomes an 11/10 if you stop for beers on the way home before the meds totally wear off.
Good luck with all man.
Im sure itll be awesome!
Oh I believe the baking soda was for your colon cleaning, not your eyes. No wonder you have eyesight issues.