We no longer live in a Democracy.
Have we ever? I was always under the impression that we live in a Republic.
Things have become more corrupt and racist than ever. Politicians have always been assholes, but now they seem like demons, Hell bent on hurting as many people as possible, no matter what race, sex, etc.
I have no doubt that the exact same things were said in the days when Lincoln was President.
Not bullshit at all. Do a bit of research and see what was reported in the press back in those days. Lincoln was hated and demonized more than I think any other President has ever been (there's been a few others, but he's right up there). And..............his opponents were hated and demonized as well and they were both accused of being hell bent on hurting as many people as possible.
NOTHING has changed. Oh, our press would have us believe that this is all new stuff, but really, it's just stuff that's been rehashed for a VERY long time.
You bring up the past and how people were "accused" of doing bad things, and of course that happens today, but more people are actually hurting real people today. I guess if a person isn't being hurt or affected, they are blind to others pain. Everything has changed. Some are just too blind to see it.
Totally disagree, Vicki. I don't think that anything has changed and those who don't acknowledge that are just too blind to see it.
But I'm curious. What makes you say that "more people are actually hurting real people today" than in days past?
I honestly don't feel like arguing with you lwien because I don't feel well. I'll agree to disagree with you.
Totally disagree, Vicki. I don't think that anything has changed and those who don't acknowledge that are just too blind to see it.
But I'm curious. What makes you say that "more people are actually hurting real people today" than in days past, when you take into account things like the days of slavery, the days of World War I and II, the days of the Great Depression, the days of our Civil War, the days of segregation, etc etc etc.
When you take all of the above into consideration, how are "more" people actually being hurt today?
Dont forget indians being slaughtered, whole entire countries being killed/overruled before the US was even established thousands if not millions were killed for not following christianity.... Sad stuff so much information destroyed in the name of religion
fucking global love bomb like nobody's ever seen before.
I vote for the latter!
edit: I think that there's only two things that can save us: a global electro-magnetic pulse that stops technology in its tracks, or a fucking global love bomb like nobody's ever seen before. I vote for the latter!
ok, it's another maynard melody and the opposite of a fuck you, but i feel it applies to the convo and if you don't like it go drown in the fuckin' river
love you all
Nature, nurture, heaven and home
Sum of all and by them driven
To conquer every mountain shown
But I've never crossed the river
Braved the forest, braved the stone
Braved the icy winds and fire
Braved and beat them on my own
Yet I'm helpless by the river
Angel, angel what have I done
I've faced the quakes, the wind, the fire
I've conquered country, crown, and throne
Why can't I cross this river?
Angel, angel what have I done
I've faced the quakes, the wind, the fire
I've conquered country, crown, and throne
Why can't I cross this river?
Pay no mind to the battles you've won
It'll take a lot more than rage and muscle
Open your heart and hands my son
Or you'll never make it over the river
It'll take a lot more than words and guns
A whole lot more than riches and muscle
The hands of the many must join as one
And together we'll cross the river
It'll take a lot more than words and guns
A whole lot more than riches and muscle
The hands of the many must join as one
Open your heart and hands my son
Or you'll never make it over the river
(Nature, nurture, heaven and home)
It'll take a lot more than words and guns
(Sum of all and by them driven)
A whole lot more than riches and muscle
(To conquer every mountain shown)
The hands of the many must join as one
And together we'll cross the river
(Braved the forest, braved the stone)
It'll take a lot more than words and guns
(Braved the icy winds and fire)
A whole lot more than riches and muscle
(Braved and beat them on my own)
The hands of the many must join as one
And together we'll cross the river
agreed, saw them 2 days after that album dropped. had been listening to it in the car on the way in, but hadn't gotten to that song (last on album) so when they finished the show with it, it was brand new and we were all in tears. so fuckin' good.LOVE that song gave me chills first i heard it and still does
agreed, saw them 2 days after that album dropped. had been listening to it in the car on the way in, but hadn't gotten to that song (last on album) so when they finished the show with it, it was brand new and we were all in tears. so fuckin' good.
I'm living in the BEST times ever , in the BEST country ever .
Can it be better ? Of course !
But at least I'm not living in an impoverished 3rd world war torn country ,
wondering where my next meal is or when the next bomb is going to go off .