I could not agree more and would like to add a personal Fuck You!! to Mr. Graham.FUCK YOU!! Franklin Graham, he is so mean - that really pisses me off. An uncalled for statement. Can you believe this jerk off.i think he's the devil. Not sure if I believe in a hell or heaven. It would be a wonderful thought if there was a heaven but I can't wrap my head around it. I do believe there probably was a man named Jesus a long time ago.
I had a mom that taught me about the Bible and we went to church. I stopped after I left home.
Franklin Graham: Carrie Fisher and George Michael Are in Hell (Unless They Accepted Jesus)
December 28, 2016 by Hemant Mehta 278 Comments
Professional killjoy and Christian evangelist Franklin Graham wants you to know that actress Carrie Fisher and singer George Michael are burning in Hell right now. That is, unless they accepted Jesus on their deathbeds.
Hey, if you are having a FUCK YOU party for Franklin Graham, please DO NOT forget my invite. I'll even bring treats...Franklin Graham
I know @Choughed will share my sentiments of fuck you to the weather gods for the next few days.
Franklin Graham: Carrie Fisher and George Michael Are in Hell (Unless They Accepted Jesus)
Fuck You. (Spirit of group)...man I love this group...there are some really decent, good folks here united by their love of vaping...happy new year all...
This was Fucking Great! Thanks @Melting Pot
This is some serious shit right here.So let me get this straight. EVERY Jew, EVERY Buddhist, EVERY Hindu, and EVERY Muslim is going to hell? Hell is going to be wayyyyy overcrowded with over 3 BILLION people.
Also, dear God, please let me get this straight as well. One of your faithful servants has used the recent deaths of 3 celebrities as an opportunity to promote his religion. Dear God, I very seldom pray but would you please fucking slap some sense into this asshole. Either that or introduce him to that angel that you threw out of your house a long time ago. They have a lot in common and should get along just fine.
You may begin praying now...Can't we just all pray to the lizard king?
I probably belong in Nimbin, but no, my husband and I are two lost hippies in the middle of dry inland sheep and wheat country, surrounded by old school farmers on thousand acre monocultures.I picture you living somewhere between Coffs & Ballina @Choughed. Lucky you have your VapCap's so you don't waste precious battery power![]()
... and only occasionally get down because I don't belong.
I wrote it, but deleted it - you read my mind!Don't ... TOO CLOSE TO "FUCK ME".