Fuck you !!!


Well-Known Member
Do you have access to shark bite fittings?

Fuck plumbing. What a pain in the ass...

That's what I did. Rebuilt the section using PEX & Sharkbite fittings. Thought I'd do it the manly-man way & keep it all copper. When it's done right you get a feeling like... "Yeah! Fuck the plumber!" I haven't had a sweated joint leak in years.

Knew how to do PEX after I bought a condo from HUD a few years ago with "2 Plumbing Deficiencies." Those two turned out to be part of one problem: the PVC plumbing had all completely fractured & needed to be completely replaced. At that point it was buy $1000 worth of PEX supplies & figure it out, or pay a plumber at least triple that. And I did it sweet too, where I ran everything into a couple manifolds & built a sort of breaker box for the plumbing system. :)


Well-Known Member
About to say Fuck You to the whole idea of Vaping my meds. The first vape I bought (a stupid Hebe) is a piece of crap that smells and tastes like burning plastic and is just wasting my herb.
The second one should have arrived last week (a Flowermate) but now apparently on a FedEx truck that caught on fire and no one bothered to tell me. I have been waiting for almost 2 weeks and just now find out what happened.
I ordered from Vaporseller (Namaste) and talked to them via email and support chat but they haven't offered to resend or anything. I guess I am out $80+ and I am spitting mad about it.


Well-Known Member
About to say Fuck You to the whole idea of Vaping my meds. The first vape I bought (a stupid Hebe) is a piece of crap that smells and tastes like burning plastic and is just wasting my herb.
The second one should have arrived last week (a Flowermate) but now apparently on a FedEx truck that caught on fire and no one bothered to tell me. I have been waiting for almost 2 weeks and just now find out what happened.
I ordered from Vaporseller (Namaste) and talked to them via email and support chat but they haven't offered to resend or anything. I guess I am out $80+ and I am spitting mad about it.
Before you go back to unnecessarily inhaling smoke, ask a few opinions. I haven't tried any cheap vaporizers, but did a lot of research before I did. (It also led me here!) I have a Pax 2 for on the go & a Cloud EVO for home. Couldn't be happier with my choices.

Think of the method of using your meds like your meds themselves: You get what you pay for. You don't buy cheap, shitty weed... why vape it in a cheap, shitty vaporizer?

As for the Fedex truck thing, call your credit card & tell them you never received what you ordered due to an issue in transit where your purchase seems to have been destroyed, that you have tried to deal with the seller directly with no response. You'll likely get that money back.

Fuck increasing CEA levels.

Fuck me for not noticing I wasn't getting alerts for the Fuck You thread anymore. And fuck you folks for not letting me know ;)

Well fuck you for not informing us that you would need to be informed.


Well-Known Member
Before you go back to unnecessarily inhaling smoke, ask a few opinions. I haven't tried any cheap vaporizers, but did a lot of research before I did. (It also led me here!) I have a Pax 2 for on the go & a Cloud EVO for home. Couldn't be happier with my choices.

Think of the method of using your meds like your meds themselves: You get what you pay for. You don't buy cheap, shitty weed... why vape it in a cheap, shitty vaporizer?

As for the Fedex truck thing, call your credit card & tell them you never received what you ordered due to an issue in transit where your purchase seems to have been destroyed, that you have tried to deal with the seller directly with no response. You'll likely get that money back.

I think it was a PayPal order. The company said they'd get back to me before the close of business today so I am giving them a bit of time.
I just really wanted my Vape and there is no where in this podunk town to get what I want.


Enter the Dragon
Fuck seeing people getting uncertain/bad medical news :(.

A big fuck you to puritanical Amerikkka censoring TV shows. Why the fuck is swearing always bleeped on shitty TV shows? I pay for cable TV & am an adult so why the fuck do these cunts bleep swearing? It gives me the shits as much as nudity being pixelated. Nudity & swearing is natural & not bad so why is it censored yet violence is revered & celebrated? Something is wrong at a fundamental level with that way of thinking....


Vape Wizard
Accessory Maker

What a fuckin great list! :rockon:


Enter the Dragon
Fuck you Geelong, fuck your fans, fuck Selwood & Dangerfield, fuck your culture, fuck your city, fuck you all!

This is how a man gets broken inside a minute.

I need to look at the positives as we still have a chance & hopefully will face off against those sons of bitches in the decider. Nothing like beating those Geelong cunts in a grand final :goon:.

Oh it could have been so sweet indeed.

Edit: I will say that as much as I "hate" them they are a great team & it is a great rivalry especially over recent years.
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Rhymenocerous ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
Fuck my floor tiles suddenly deciding to pop up creating hills and cracks everywhere for no real reason anyone has been able to figure out. Also fuck the fucking $8k bill for ripping up all the tile and putting new stuff in. Fuck the inch of dust left on everything including things fucking covered in fucking plastic and painters tape. Also after 3 days of construction and 2 days of cleaning fuck finding water damage in a wall by an electrical outlet 5 fucking minutes after you've officially finished re-doing the fucking floors. On to the next fucked-up house thing.

And a smaller fuck you to the people who reply to this with things like but aren't you floors great now and don't you love them? They're great, they're a better color, they're more modern, but ultimately to me it was 8 fucking thousand dollars to change the color of my fucking floor. Not. Fucking. Worth. It. (to me)

Also fuck me, my problem seems pretty fucking small when I read some of the other posts. Be well everyone.


Well-Known Member
Fuck the NFL and all major sports leagues! I respect the athletes, the skill, and dedication to perfection but fuck wasting billions and billions on stadiums, wages, and advertising all in the name of keeping the public distracted! Don't even get me started on stadium beer and food prices...

Fuck Greed! Feed those in need!
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