Well-Known Member
Fuck You Darling!
A BIG fuck you to all the asshole drivers out there that think it's cool to pull out in front of you, cut you off, forcing you to slam on your brakes, and then refuse to even go the fucking speed limit. Oh, and all the while, there's not a goddamn car for miles behind me. What the fuck!?!?! You couldn't wait the 2 seconds for me to pass by before you go on your slow ass merry way. Learn how to fucking drive before you kill someone dicks!![]()
My favorite
Right in the childhood!!!That was a fucked up show! Idk how that was ever considered a kids show. Fuck you to those perverted kiddie show people!
Fuck you to cheating ex girlfriends.
Wait... How can an "Ex" cheat on ya?
Fuck cheating significant others who cheat and become Ex's.
Fuck you to cheating ex girlfriends. No. I don't hold grudges...........![]()
Do you have access to shark bite fittings?Fuck you, 70 year old copper plumbing. Fuck you.
Visiting mom's house on vacation. She bought some new sink faucets for her bathroom (dual sink.) Needed to replace the shut off valves too, so I turned off the water to the bathroom hot & cold. The 70 year old valves then start leaking badly. Guess they didn't want to be moved. Project just increased in size big time.
Went & bought a new valve for the hot. (Cold was an occasional drip at this point, thought who cares about it. Replaced the valve & pipe that I had to cut away. A tip I found online during the last copper plumbing fun was to ball up bread & shove it in the pipe to prevent the little bit of water still in the pipes from cooling that part of the pipe when sweating it in. Works great... but one of my joints was bad & is spraying water when the valve opens. Now I have to cut away more & start over. Plus there is a bad part just down the line that needs replacing. And the cold is leaking more heavily, so that needs to be done. And the sinks no longer have cold water even when it's on, so considering they worked before I did this, the bread probably hasn't disintigrated & was shot through the hot water pipes into the fixtures & has them all clogged.
"Fuck This House" needs to be the new home improvement show.
Fuck my CEA level. It went from 8.5 on Aug. 25 to 10 as of yesterday. After getting authorization from the insurance company (takes a couple of days), we'll schedule a PET/CT scan.
Off-topic: Thanks for getting me to smile.... And fuck you folks for not letting me know![]()