FUCK YOU Lyme disease!!! X2FUCK YOU Lyme disease!!! Get all up in my bones and joints and shit. Go fuck yourself!! No, wait. Lemme eat a sandwich, take a nap, and THEN you can go fuck yourself. Piece of shit ass neck dick hole muscle motherfucker.
Fuck Ticks!got to remember to carry tweezers next time out.
Again..fuck that^!
When done correctly with the right tool, the fucking things come out whole every fucking time.
Covering them with anything can lead to them fucking emptying their stomach content(possibly with a number of pathogens) straight into your fucking bloodstream...the very fucking thing you're trying to avoid.
So fuck the fuckers by removing them fucking promptly would be my sincere fucking advice.
@pakalolo this is why your patience with ocassional transgressions is virtuousFUCK YOU Lyme disease!!! Get all up in my bones and joints and shit. Go fuck yourself!! No, wait. Lemme eat a sandwich, take a nap, and THEN you can go fuck yourself. Piece of shit ass neck dick hole muscle motherfucker.
Nope, fuck that too!A hot fucking match head to a ticks fucking ass, will make that fucker back the fuck out on his own, right fucking now.
Hahaha! @farscaperfucking bunch of pansies panties.
you dont do any of that shit.
you cut a 1" cube of flesh from around the tick with a fillet knife so it never even knows your gone.
sorry... I thought we were discussing inlaws. they are like ticks no?Hahaha! @farscaper
Didn't think that one through, did ya?
Doing that will just cause all the tick's friends and family to come over and puke on you! All ticks suffer from Disrespectus Tickinitus! A sensitive bunch they are!
And that's 'fuckin' gross! Hahaha
fuck you class d felony possession.
the misdemeanor that just wont let you be gainfully employed.