Fuck people that don't think TIME has VALUE.
Fuck people that don't think TIME has VALUE.
This is what @DDave has for the "SKUMBAGS" that come around his house.
And then Homer has his back with some....
Fuck skumbag thieves get a job.
Fuck Thieves!
My shit is my own. I worked for it! And working for it by stealing it doesn't count!
Same goes for my neighbors!
Well this time I get to say Fuck You and have it mean something!
My neighbor just got ripped off. I heard the car speed away. Not in time to get the plates! Not personally anyhow!
But Fuck You, my security cams caught everything! Your car plates, faces, clothes... Fucking Everything!
Hahaha! Fuck You! Round here, we watch out for our own!
Note for those with DVR Security Systems. Don't rely on the DVR alone! The bad guys can steal that too! Get one like I have that records in tiny segments and immediately uploads the them to an offsite repository! Then if the DVR itself is stolen, you got the videos stored safe!
There's a few studies into how psychedelics have the potential to help with this medical issue. Suggest looking into it if haven't already. And on that note Fuck you Nixon and your regime for your failed war on drugs. Fucking asshatsFUCK-YOU Cluster Headaches !!!! 2 years in remission and the demon returns out of nowhere to mind fuck me 3 times EVERY night for the last week
And Fuck You medical science for not figuring this shit out proper, yet think you have the answer pushing your pharma shit that does squat driving one to think the only cure is to eat a bullet![]()
If I believed that Bernie could really get us single payor I would more seriously consider voting for him. But sadly, that sort of thing is not UP to the President, it is up to congress.I was thrilled when the ACA passed and I could cover my daughter a few extra years under the wife's plan but now that the wife's employer is out of the picture and I don't have to cover my daughter ......I'm trying to calm myself by holding to the unverified thought that it might have been worse without the ACA. I'm not so sure.....
nope... more like final destination. boy from next door blew his head off after he assaulted his wife. some years ago, yhe boy down the street died when we were young andbthe girl next door had "mental problems" apparently and strung it up a week or two ago. her parents had to move out because of it so we found out because they sold their house.@farscaper
There isn't a piano teacher or football coach in common? Be careful answering front door!
http://fuckcombustion.com/posts/684721/Depressomistic Thread located