On the Stoop
Good Morning Sickies-from Amsterdam
I'm here to party for Kings day !!! Hope you are all well, i'm hanging in there 

You just need to find a clone....I bought one single gram of a strain called Mt. Wizard #5 that had a perfect 1:1 THC:CBD ratio, with both at 13%.
No plain flower has made me sleep like that in a very very long time. Most amazing medical strain for my pain relief.
But it is all gone now. But I've got plenty to choose from, but that stuff was so nice.
^^ See, That's what you get for being such a debbie downer to all the zenpen kids.
I showed this to hubby, and he said, "I NEED this shirt, with YOUR name on it..."
I know what ya mean buddy! Of course I'm guilty of reading stuff on here and taking it as concrete knowledge and passing it on w/o first hand experience. Though I try to only do that from the trustworthy crowd, can you point me to that group, ha jkI know this may not be the place to post this but here goes: (and it may make no sense)
Does it ever bother any of you other pretty hardcore medical users when people are in vape specific threads speaking as if they've mastered every aspect of that vaporizer and others when they say they only vape a gram or two a month and they only learned about vaping a year or so ago?
I mean I know there are those of us on this thread that are already working on our 2nd or 3rd gram today so just today alone we may well have more time invested using our vapes then they do in a month but still they seem to gain knowledge just owning a vape that even when compared to some of my vapes that are pretty much retired, theirs must see very little use.
Kinda confused, baffled, and pissed today by some peoples delusions of grandeur and thought i'd throw it out here like a handful of poop instead of in those threads and get banned for a few days.
While your being needed is absolutely true, there also comes a time that you need support. That's the wonderful thing about this thread (and others like it); the support that can be found here. And there's no reason you can't get a bit once in a while too.I'm getting that low funky feeling again that comes around from time to time and puts me in a depressed state. I'm fighting it as much as possible but fuck, im getting fucking tired of being sick. The thing is that maybe I'm weird but when I get upset about my health I end up feeling guilty because so many people I've met with conditions need help more than I do. I feel like I owe it to them to be sick. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I think they need me.