Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Oil Painter
You'd better watch out Enchantre or you're going to get fit!!! :D

Seriously; that's great! It seems like you've embraced a new healthy lifestyle. And it's looking good on you! :tup:

@Vicki I hope this new treatment brings you the relief you've been looking for.
And that just makes me shake my head, Mom...

I've been extremely active my WHOLE FUCKING LIFE! I've done 40+ mile trips on bikes since I was 20 years old. Hiking, camping, biking, yoga, meditation, aerobics classes, sunshine and organic food... 30+ years of it did NOTHING for me, as far as body size. Under all the fat, I was very "fit"...

Chronic inflammation, I believe, was the root & branch of all that.

Sorry, just knee-jerk reaction. People judge so much by appearances.


vapor accessory addict
And that just makes me shake my head, Mom...

I've been extremely active my WHOLE FUCKING LIFE! I've done 40+ mile trips on bikes since I was 20 years old. Hiking, camping, biking, yoga, meditation, aerobics classes, sunshine and organic food... 30+ years of it did NOTHING for me, as far as body size. Under all the fat, I was very "fit"...

Chronic inflammation, I believe, was the root & branch of all that.

Sorry, just knee-jerk reaction. People judge so much by appearances.
Oh please.. don't apologize! I get it. I've struggled with my weight my whole life. The only time I had success (in my eyes) is when I starved myself and made working out my occupation. So what you are saying strikes a chord for me.

I have been having a hell of a time lately losing weight. I really don't eat much and I work out regularly. I need to get this weight off too. I have a wedding to look good for this year, lol.

You changed up your diet to paleo and it helps your inflammation; right? Not sure I could go that route; too much meat. But I could do the Mediterranean diet.... wonder if it would be as beneficial to inflammation.


Oil Painter
You don't have to eat "so much meat"... the key to paleo/primal is listening to your body... what bugs it?

Remove all common irritants for 30 days, then add back, one at a time, for a few days, and see what happens. If you trip over something that your body reacts to badly, then you have your answer.

For me, it is gluten, any form of dairy except butter, and dried fruit. Yep, raisins are my nemesis. plus prunes, dried apricots, goji berries!, ... and I love them all. With yogurt. and granola. Go figure....

I've also been practically inhaling cannabis (wait. what?) orally (again, wait, what?)... I get RSO from my grower, plus fresh leaves to put in green smoothies, and I'm doing more medicated edibles myself. My symptoms of inflammation are dropping along with the weight.

BTW, I eat a LOT. Fruit, veggies, heck, we just had GF waffles for breakfast!, it was tacos last night! But, without the grains/sugars, I never get "munchies"... I can go all fucking day without any "blood sugar" issues (no crabbiness!), and I've gotten very quick at recognizing "reactive" items.

I still suck at restaurant ordering... I hate missing things I should have specified.. and I HATE being "that customer" that is so picky...

Back when I was in my 30s, I dropped 60 lbs just by moving all breads out of my diet (not quite "low carb" but I was not cooking for someone who demanded bread...) over about a year's time. That should have been a clue to me, but I missed it, and went back into "whole grain living" when I remarried... put that 60 PLUS another 50 on top. And never felt like I could ever eat enough to feel satisfied. I was always hungry and depriving myself. PLUS a membership at the YMCA with 90 minutes of pounding the treadmill every morning.

Depriving yourself will NEVER work. I have decades of experience here. :)


On the Stoop
I've been kinda quiet lately cause i've just felt like crap since Jan. First it was the pneumonia and the after effects that just seem to be lingering. Lately i can't walk 1/4 of a block without feeling like i'd just couldn't get any air into my lungs, but it wasn't just not getting O2, it also felt like my heart was involved. I live in a glorified studio and i couldn't walk from the bedroom to the bathroom without getting exhausted :o

I kept thinking maybe i just couldn't handle the cold weather anymore , most people with good lungs have a hard time breathing when it's 10 degrees outside... I love the cold weather ..

So, I just spent 24 hrs at the hospital getting a battery of tests, More X-rays , nuclear stress test, bloods, cardiac enzymes, halti monitor and echo. All 100% normal.. So it is just my lungs.. They put me on a whopping dose of steroids:( and doubled up on my nebulizer treatments and my pulmo and i are gonna figure out what my next course of action is.

Fuck it, i just booked a week in A'dam for the end of April :nod:

Melting Pot

Sick & Twisted
@Vicki I really hope that acupuncture helpS :nod:
@VaporsVaporizer I hope you get rid of the pneumonia and a Amsterdam sounds like fun I wish I was going.:nod:
And all you other sickies out there that i forgot to mention I hope you're feeling well too.:tup:
Got a call from the mayo today they moved my surgery to Tuesday the 17th instead of Friday the 13th so I guess St Patty's day it is.
Seems thats is my one year anniversary on FC so I guess that day is a good day for me a start of good things. To come
Seems my brother from another @DieHard got a hold of some edibles is going to bring up to me for after my surgery.
Also had a chance to chat with @mvapes what an awesome dude I look forward to meeting and that Dab party sounds awesome!!!
I have to admit I'm a little nervous Dabbing and vaping is definitely helping.


vapor accessory addict
Lordy, lordy.... where do I start? :shrug:

@Vicki I want to know how the acupuncture helps (or doesn't). I am seriously considering it for an number of reasons.

@VaporsVaporizer Wtf? I am so sorry to hear this. How the hell did you get Emphysema? Where you a cigarette smoker for a long time?

And @Melting Pot I'm a big believer in spending certain holidays in surgery. Mostly drinking holidays, lol. I had my last hip surgery on Cinco de Mayo. Ole. :D It worked like a charm. So think of it as a very positive sign. And fuck... are you kidding me? St. Patrick's day? Talk about a lucky day! Four leaf clovers and being kissed just cause you might be Irish? I see this as an auspicious sign. Especially if you wear green socks or something.... :brow:

And... I'll just leave this here...cause I'm not sure what else to do with it...



On the Stoop
Lordy, lordy.... where do I start? :shrug:

@VaporsVaporizer Wtf? I am so sorry to hear this. How the hell did you get Emphysema? Where you a cigarette smoker for a long time?
@momofthegoons , yes i did smoke for many years , BUT, my lungs got bad after 9/11..It was definitely a big contributing factor. I was down there passing out water to the rescuers and breathing all that shit that they told us was safe. I was only there 2 days, but the whole city smelled. The first day they tried to tell us it was jet fuel, but i worked in hospitals and i know what burning flesh smells like and all the other things that were burning for weeks and polluting the air didn't help.You couldn't escape the smell in the city. I can't blame it all on that, but the year after that, was when my lungs started to go and i was diagnosed a few years later.


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
I've only had one treatment, and it seemed to work for about a day, but the pain came back. :( I get another treatment tomorrow. I hope the relief lasts longer than a day this time.
I would give the acupuncture a chance, possible 6 treatments? Of course your acupuncturist knows best. I was getting just 1 treatment per week. Then after a while it was 1 treatment every 2 weeks. Then would drop off slowly. Eventually it was once a month. After a while it didn't seem to help. I have thought about going back to it.

I'm doing better now due to surgery, steroid shots and the mother herb.

I just had a steroid shot to my ankle joint yesterday. It only hurt for about 6 or 7 seconds and then it was done. Better than going through a steroid epidural.
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Herbal Alchemist
I would give the acupuncture a chance, possible 6 treatments? Of course your acupuncturist knows best. I was getting just 1 treatment per week. Then after a while it was 1 treatment every 2 weeks. Then would drop off slowly. Eventually it was once a month. After a while it didn't seem to help. I have thought about going back to it.

I'm doing better now due to surgery, steroid shots and the mother herb.

I just had a steroid shot to my ankle joint yesterday. It only hurt for about 6 or 7 seconds and then it was done. Better than going through a steroid epidural.

Did you have electricity too? I wasn't expecting that. I wonder if that makes it more effective. :huh:


Space is the Place
Acupuncture worked great for my neuropathy when I tried it years ago(offered for free for a couple months) but it's a very expensive and continuous treatment and not a one time fix.

Seems Alternative medicine done right is only for the rich if you live in Florida.
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On the Stoop


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
No electricity when I had it done. It's been about 3 years. I think it was about $70 per treatment. My insurance covered all but my $20 copay. I have nerve, muscle and joint pain in my feet and low back. Just the last couple years I am having a lot of pain in my wrist and thumb joint on both hands.

Overall the pain in my feet and low back is less than it was a few years ago. I would attribute part of that to the right medicine, the medicinal herbs.

@VaporsVaporizer So many of our first responders during 9/11 have come down with lung problems and weird illnesses. So sorry that you are among our sick heroes.
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On the Stoop
@CarolKing, I am no hero, i was just another NY'er trying to do something to help those who were the real hero's. All i did was pass out water to the crews, many blocks away from the pile as they went in and out of the site. I was only there 2 days. I hate being anywhere near it now and i especially hate the people that pose for photo's and sell souvenirs around it.


Herbal Alchemist
If you think you're having a bad day, at least you are not our dog. She just sat there and took this. The cat has been batting at her all morning because she wants to play. This was just a play bite, and there was no aggression. In fact, there was no reaction at all. It was hilarious to watch. The bite happened after several minutes of being ignored, but that didn't even work, and the cat walked away disappointed. :lol:

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