Merry Christmas you bunch of goofs
Dabbed the fuck out, eh? Was informed I will be attending the Rose Parade later.
I must say we have a awesome health system in Australia, here's a link to the Aust cost for Stelara.Yeah our diseases are like cousins I think, and you are right we are turning parts of our immune system off. You will like Humira, its a really sharp TNFα inhibitor, I was on a double dose until my body figured it out. They might even let you self inject. I'm using Stelara now at $13k/90mg dose every 10 weeks which is an Interleukin inhibitor, so far the sharpest tool yet but alas its efficacy starts to wane and I have nowhere to go. I'm actually way off label since this drug is only approved for psoriasis and not Psoriatic Arthritis . . . yet . . . the infections I get a lot usually in the armpits or other "moist & dark" places. Hibiclens in the shower helps. I went to see an infectious diseases expert after having my butthole lanced and drained in the ER on my wedding anniversary and I had to be decolonized for Staph . . .
Speaking of prednisone and steroids, I had a series of 4 injections into my neck about a month ago. No prob there, didn't think much about it.
About 3 weeks ago, feeling like a fatty, I took duramine (weight loss drug) for a week, but didn't like the side effects and actually gained about 3 kg in that week.
Then about 2 weeks ago, while pondering upon life and scratching my chin I found the beginnings of a nice stout beard.
Then about a week ago my always tactful mother asked me if I was pregnant because I'd developed a maternity belly, so much so I was developing a waddle.
I had a minor panic moment as I thought I was morphing into a phantom pregnancy bearded lady with a fat person face. Very attractive on the days when I have a slight limp, I was just waiting for the squint eye and a front tooth to fall out.
Thankfully my clever side took over and I realised I was not turning into a man, and the side effects have started to wear off.
I was scared. Lol.
I must say we have a awesome health system in Australia, here's a link to the Aust cost for Stelara. 45mg Injection Vial 1
Any Australian resident pays the PBS cost of $36.90, a person with a government concession pays $6.00 and people who have had about 30 scripts in a 12 month period get it free.
My daughter who has type 1 diabetes gets her insulin at a rebated cost of about $6 a month and $2.20 for boxes of testing strips. The full cost for monthly insulin is about $600.
Daughter has just been in hospital for 8 nights with a diabetes related kidney infection and had some minor surgery, iv treatment and I got our private endocrinologist in for a second opinion x2. All the hospital treatment was covered by Medicare and my private health, so nothing out of pocket. And I'm waiting on the endocrinologist account, but I'm presuming I won't be out of pocket more than about $2-300.
I'm so greatful for our health system.
My resolution:
I want to be less of a bitch. Having chronic illness's has made me very frustrated because I just can't do the things I used to be able to do. I'm always angry, and I don't know how to make it stop. I really need to badly.![]()
Fret not - we are slowly but surely gaining good ground, one state at a time! In the meantime, we are the soldier explorers doing the good work and paving the way for an informed and educated society.
Happy New Year's, Tweek!You are not a bitch, just someone who is in pain. The right people will always understand that.
Just dropped by for a quick hello and to wish you all a happy new year.
Happy New Year's, Tweek!
@Vicki , I think we must be long-lost sisters... I'd like to be less bitchy, too. And it's because I'm in pain. I got the harder bones, though, I think. I have the bruises, but you end up with breaks. I had to have some compensation, since you got all the looks.
Thanks @Dreamerr . . . I feel better now . . . this is the year of the purge for me as well. Dysfunctional family members . . . the whole fuckin' deal . . . .My New Years Resolution that I am making up as I write this is to be way more bitchy, nasty, and just down right an asshole. I will also try to ignore people in real life or tell them to fuck off. I will clean house of everyone I know and move back under my rock..............................I think this is an easy one![]()
Any extra room under that rock for a frog?My New Years Resolution that I am making up as I write this is to be way more bitchy, nasty, and just down right an asshole. I will also try to ignore people in real life or tell them to fuck off. I will clean house of everyone I know and move back under my rock..............................I think this is an easy one![]()