I've been hiding out, absolutely no Xmas spirit this year. Wanted to be in Ca. with my great nieces and nephew. I hope everyone had a good Xmas and i hope everyones feeling a bit better
I tend not to talks about my ailments in this thread because they seem trivial compared to some of the other diseases that people have, but i've got a new one that's really pissing me off -Guttate Psoriasis . Started as two spots that i thought were bug bites acquired on July 4 . I was misdiagnosed and treated for a few months without those getting better , vague biopsy report and now i have spots almost everywhere but my face. I go to the dermo every two weeks and get injections in the spots and apply creams 2x day -last week it was over 35 injections -next week it will be more. Just glad it's winter and i can wear longs sleeves and jeans.Guess i should be thankful needles don't bother me-trying to find the silver lining
There's something important that needs to be said here. Everyone and anyone should feel comfortable taking about their ailments in my thread regardless of how big or small, doesn't matter.
Sometimes I wish we could exchange diseases for a day, imagine VV having PD for a day and I get Psoriasis. Or Dreamerr gets back mobility but with PD and I get to appreciate what she goes through. No matter what it may be, when something bothers us we should be able to talk about it. VV - I don't want you or anyone to feel minimized here. You have just as much right to speak about your issues as anyone else.
There are some people here with no issues at all, they hang around for the humor when one of us shits ourselves. No one realized in the beginning I would shit myself so much!![]()
I stubbed my toe this morning.
Thanks mvapes and all the Fuck the Parkinsons crewThere's something important that needs to be said here. Everyone and anyone should feel comfortable taking about their ailments in my thread regardless of how big or small, doesn't matter.
Sometimes I wish we could exchange diseases for a day, imagine VV having PD for a day and I get Psoriasis. Or Dreamerr gets back mobility but with PD and I get to appreciate what she goes through. No matter what it may be, when something bothers us we should be able to talk about it. VV - I don't want you or anyone to feel minimized here. You have just as much right to speak about your issues as anyone else.
There are some people here with no issues at all, they hang around for the humor when one of us shits ourselves. No one realized in the beginning I would shit myself so much!![]()
I know a few of you are in FL. If you haven't signed this yet PLEASE do.
We collected another 140,000 signatures this week. If we all get behind this they cannot stop us.
Oh yeah, I'm back, baby! Thank the Lord and deadheadbill for that video and the Mozilla NetVideoHunter add-on. A match made in heaven. God bless you all!This one will bring all the guys back.
Yeah, I'm older than dirt. Especially when I first heard about dabbing I thought of this:
I actually think this stuff is nasty!
Nothing about dabbing grosses me out. I mean no disrespect to anyone but a lot of times I see shit other people are dabbing and it straight out fucking scares me. Whether it's not fully purged or wasn't properly strained, or even when cheap butane is used. I've done and seen it all. At one time I thought I was making good stuff and when some friends came over they forced me to throw it out.
Now, after months and months of practice and countless amounts of money on not only product but equipment we finally got this shit down. Another thing I've noticed are these people saying they made a run in less than an hour. We have a scientific desiccator and 7 CFM 2 stage JB vacuum pump and couldn't accomplish that.
Not only is it expensive, it's time consuming. But, with all that being said - when you take your time and use the proper ingredients and equipment, it's worth it.