Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!

Bob Loblaw

tweek, that's still one of the most shocking things.
i'd heard that song for years b4 i found out it was nancy. was totally shocked.
what a naive little child i was ;)

but seriously, she didn't flash genitals. mostly it's the rape of black culture/ white girl w/ no ass trying to twerk, lol. it's like calling avril lavigne punk, :rant:

jon does a great job of summing up the rest of my feelings, as per usual.

just found the "leaderboards" on the members page.
gotta say thanks for all the love. even tho i'm not on the front page for most posts, i am on both of the other pages for likes and points, i'm guessing in no small part to the love i've stumbled onto here (thanks, tweek.... or, blame tweek :doh:)

just wanted to say thanks, you guys are crazy :tinfoil::mental:


but i love you





Vapor Sloth
Thanks man . . . usually when the biologics and the Toradol line up I get strange results but this one was completely different, and it lets me know that my biologic is coming to the end of its useful lifespan, which sucks, because I'm already on the bleeding edge and there is nowhere to go yet. New interleukin inhibitors in development but no retail names yet . . .


vapor accessory addict
Thanks man . . . usually when the biologics and the Toradol line up I get strange results but this one was completely different, and it lets me know that my biologic is coming to the end of its useful lifespan, which sucks, because I'm already on the bleeding edge and there is nowhere to go yet. New interleukin inhibitors in development but no retail names yet . . .
Aww t-dub. I know spoons are the energy tool of choice in this thread, but I do things a little different. I use jars...



Oil Painter
Having a fairly productive day, getting more boxes unpacked, and repacking some for long-term storage. Helped with a run to the LT storage unit.

I have some reclaim/ABV qwiso evaporating right now. After it reduced by about 80%, I put the rest of it on a sil pat, and it's doing its thing. Looks pretty good, some real dark amber blobs and streaks, and just a bit of the milky looking watery stuff left to dry off. It's nice having a balcony! :)


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
My Nug jar is getting low too and my guy has not re-upped in a month. I want something different! Which means I gotta fucking trek an hour away and it's getting old quick.

I'll be posting about this debacle soon in the fuck you thread.

Dub - I got you in my thoughts brother. If you need to chat I believe you know how to find me. I feel that pain. And just like you told me....

I hope I can bring a smile your face friend, you certainly cheered me up many times. :tup:
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