Fuck tweek cause he gets a trillion likes when he just say hi. No more likes for you hehe.
You know your the man tweeky.
We don't get to see those pvt lists with most likes, posts ect.

Fuck tweek cause he gets a trillion likes when he just say hi. No more likes for you hehe.
You know your the man tweeky.
We don't get to see those pvt lists with most likes, posts ect.
Congrats Tweek, here's your trophy. Remember the Colonel loves you, and so do we . . .Thank you. I can now get 15% off at KFC.
I've got ya covered, Tweek.
Fuck tweek cause he gets a trillion likes when he just say hi. No more likes for you hehe.
You know your the man tweeky.
We don't get to see those pvt lists with most likes, posts ect.
Well I'm sure the 4.5k posts didn't hinder Tweek getting to the top of the list, that's an impressive number for someone who has been a member for less than a year. That's a lot of jokes about poo and monkeys, good job buddy.
I think a list for average number of likes per message would be a good idea for us more moderate posters to get a chance to see our names up in lights.
Careful or he will start calling you names too . . .. . . it's nothing all that exciting outside of being able to say I am better than OF at something.
Careful or he will start calling you names too . . .![]()
Yeah I always thought "OF" meant Old Fart . .It's all just cranky old mans stuff.
I had a guy turn the light off while I was in the bathroom stall at work once. It was pretty tough wiping my ass.
are you retarded?
what the fuck do you think blind people do??
go and ask someone?? Hey buddy, is it all done yet?? and then holds it up for inspection
(what a shitty job that would be!)
Meebee with the heightened other senses, they can smell whether there is any shit left on the paper?
or are you just one of those upper, lower middle class types that can afford to wipe your ass with $1 bills, but nothing any larger than that?
You need the light on just in case you accidentally waste a $50 & you all gotta eat drywall for the month?
Or did you lose your ass in the matted pelt of fur you call hair?
Need the light on for search and rescue??
You need to see the poop to yellow discharge ratio??
Were you taking a dump in the sink? & wiping while being perched on there in the dark could be somewhat difficult??
Here then, I will give you the hot tip, (and then this advice)lolz
In the dark, or if you are blind and are wiping your ass.
Wipe your bum till you think it might be done.
Continue to wipe your ass some more, until you are sure you are done.
Then wipe your ass again until you are fucking positive you have left no fucking poop upon your personage anywhere!!
Glad I could help out in these difficult times.
and peeps accuse us aussies of being backward.
Next you will be telling me that you sit down to pee.
TBH, I sorta expect that you would anyway.
Somebody talking about me?