lmfao . . .

thanks man, I needed that. If you guys only knew the rest I haven't shared yet, quite frankly, I don't think any of you would believe it. My body started to self destruct when I turned 40. What I know now is that it is an unresolvable mix of epigenetics, diet, and stress that seems to have no cure. The litany of my medical nightmare marches on, and I want you guys to know, and I mean this from my heart because you guys know me, I only live here, and you guys are a BIG part of my happiness quotient each day, and that means the world to me. Long term chronic pain/illness mixes with depression to make us start to think things we normally might not, you guys bring me back from that deep dark place, thanks
I only come here for people like you. (well and to sexually abuse Tweek)
FYI- T-dub IMO this is your site, mvapes site, dreamerrs site, ship's etc.
I know this site is for vaporizing, but to me this site is a safe haven for sick people.
This is where people can get info,love & support they mightnt be able to receive elsewhere.
To me this is a place that belongs to medicinal users of MJ, I am just a guest here.
and to be such a welcome guest is truly a privilege.
I am only here to provide comedic relief (& fellowship of course).
If my insane ranting & deviant silliness can help someone who is dealing with serious shit maybe crack a small smile & help them not think about their illness, or troubles for even just a minute.
Then maybe I may have contributed a tiny, tiny bit to their lives, my life & the universe in general.
Not bad for a nutbar then huh?