Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Frequently up in space with Bowie
Dreamerr said:
BTW three retards...who invited Richy here? I think I like the new addition to our family.
Thanks, you've made me feel welcome even though I was never invited. I just turned up unexpected like a limbo dancer under the lavatory door of this thread.

I chose black, white and blue in case you were wondering. My thinking was that if I ever actually have three different varieties I won't have to open the pot to check which is which.

Oh and by the way mvapes you're a sick little monkey and Tweek you're just as sick for liking it. I suppose it was my own fault, I kind of gave you an opening. At least I'm getting used to the sight of poo now I've been on this thread a few times but that's not an invitation for any more, photoshopped or otherwise.


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
Wait why did you choose three colors? I thought we were getting one?

Listen ...guess who...we are here to brighten up your day and if you need to vend damn it we will listen

Now fling some


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
Oh my god I have to pic two others I am soooooooooooooooooooooooo much more happy now

Edit: I just sent another pm and asked for black, blue and purple. I asked if one can be the new style if possible.


Well-Known Member
With love Richy....


nup not me. still mega sus on the limey.
Claims to be a Bowie fan but hasnt seen any of his movies. WTF is that shit?

His lot saw fit to dump all their refuse here 200+odd years ago.(my thieving relatives) Although in all fairness, we did give back Peter Andre & Jason Donovan. (and you fucken took em!! bwhahahaha!)

He is personally responsible for the spice girls, a dirty great big ferris wheel, & David Beckham ,
but in fairness, richy's lot seem to have managed some sort of sporting skills lately.
(it must feel nice to win something finally huh richy?)

So, I feel a test is in order.

Ok, Richy............. for your self esteem & adoration of stoners everywhere.


your clue: Ima 1.5 inches long, white, and I have a little red knob on the end??

Richy?? your answer please??

clocks ticking....................................


Frequently up in space with Bowie
A partially sucked lollipop? Damn, too long....Diseased Leprechaun penis?

I said I was a fan of his music not his films, you never know after I've seen one I might be turned to the freaky rainbow mascara wearing side.

By the way I'd hate for you to think I'm trying to colonize the thread again but here's a scene from the sketch show I mentioned the other day:

I couldn't find one of the other sketches I remember well but here's a fleshed version they did for their live show:

I would have put up some of the scenes from "Peep Show" but most of the stuff is much better when watched as a whole episode, kind of like "Curb Your Enthusiasm" in that respect. Of course I always found this bit works quite well on it's own:



Well-Known Member
ooohhhhhhhhhh, bummer dude not even fucken close.

A) Ima matchstick. (aka Stu's penor)

Thanks for playing richy, pls accept our consolation prize..........


hide ya sammiches
It all starts with 'allo, allo, allo, whats all this then?



Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
You know watching videos especially English ones takes concentration something I don't have at the moment.

I need to maybe high temp vape which I hate but the thought of taking pain killers doesn't please me. I am in mucho pain from the day. See even when I go out and hoodwink someone to do the errands with me it still ends up bad. It cost me a bag of dark chocolate kisses, a hoggie and a soda for the person to come with me. I guess teenagers can put up with me. I hijacked the groomers daughter lol. I got a lot done so I am happily in pain:rofl:


Frequently up in space with Bowie
I have to say Terry Jones can play an old woman better than most old women.

You have my sympathy that you're in pain but don't worry about the videos they'll still be there tomorrow if you want to watch them.


Well-Known Member
You know watching videos especially English ones takes concentration something I don't have at the moment.

I need to maybe high temp vape which I hate but the thought of taking pain killers doesn't please me. I am in mucho pain from the day. See even when I go out and hoodwink someone to do the errands with me it still ends up bad. It cost me a bag of dark chocolate kisses, a hoggie and a soda for the person to come with me. I guess teenagers can put up with me. I hijacked the groomers daughter lol. I got a lot done so I am happily in pain:rofl:

Here you go, something a little more easy on the eyes, and the language barrier seems to be not an issue.

Normally Ima not a big fan of Thai,
but nows I could really go a nice bit of salted chicken.:D

wow these dudes are awesome!!



Well-Known Member
whats in tweeks mouth?

by the looks of that pic...............nothing!!!:lol:

see how swollen the clitoris is.
I believe you can get a cream for that.

Ive seen cashews more hung than Stu.


Frequently up in space with Bowie
Dreamerr said:
I asked if one can be the new style if possible.
I hate to interrupt the willy jokes but what's the difference between the new and old style?


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
Oh the man said they are going to make them shorter and wider which is good if you live in a place with a lot of static like I do.


Oil Painter
Morning gang. :)

A little coffee, some bacon, a shower, and I'll be off to work.

I won't be getting more oil until saturday. sigh. well, good thing I have flowers around! :)

I'm starting to sleep better, even with the hot flashes.
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