Frequently up in space with Bowie
dorkus_molorkus said:Hey i see you are a Bowie fan. Have you seen the Hunger?
with him and Catherine deneuve as vampires?
A damn cool movie with an awesome lesbian scene featuring Susan Sarandon.
Freaky ass shit.
I haven't ever seen any of his movies actually, well I have vague recollection of him contact juggling in "Labyrinth" from when I was a kid but that's it. To be honest his music is freaky enough for me I don't know if I could handle that much Bowie without my mind being blown. I'll put it on my list of movies to watch as it sounds like you enjoyed it but I'm sure when I'll get round to it. I absolutely loved the film "Moon" that his son directed and the soundtrack is absolutely awesome.
Yeah, to my eyes it's absolutely insane. I couldn't believe it when they said you're allowed to carry around loaded guns, well it says they have to be holstered if they have a loaded magazine in but still....sound's a bit mental especially if they are running around with them. I hope they're not allowed to have a magazine loaded in the race and there is some sort of chamber check at the start line. Otherwise all it would take is the combination of a loose holster and a hair trigger and it could turn real ugly.dorkus_molorkus said:but, this is a little nuts right??
I especially liked the bit that said:
"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."
Because in this day and age of tanks, cruise missiles, drones and "shock n' awe" a bunch of civilians with rifles are going to be really effective.