So what is this odd pain in my chest? I keep wondering if it's an egg-shaped tumor about ready to hatch. My mother and her mother before her both dying from cancer at the same age that I am fast approaching... And me being both the most masculine and feminine child - am I to follow in their footsteps? (EASY mvapes - I meant that figuratively - I emphatically deny being a hermaphrodite, although my ass does look a little like street booty)
But I always give myself a 30-day rule before getting really worked up. Almost all pains go away within 30 days - no sense getting really concerned until that time has passed. Right? Such an odd sensation though. Probably just a pulled muscle - I do feel it in the back a little too.
If this is the last you hear from me I've gone to the great gig in the sky... but I'm not really worried
(that last smiley was just for effect, I really meant this

my mum died of cancer at 52, she was diagnosed at 49. I turn 42 this year.
Every single ache, pain, lump, bump I am freaking my shit out about.
yet I drink lots, eat badly, have high blood pressure, and am overweight. lolz-obviously deathly afraid!
So, I can sympathise.
If it helps, a number of years ago, I had a friend (just the one) & he was like this as well.
He would go running to the Dr's for just about anything convinced he was dying.
Turns out he OD'd in a camping tent while on holiday.
He was on his own, dead with a needle in his arm, no one found him for 3 days.
I guess cancer wasnt what he should have been worried about.
On a lighter note, good luck with the hemophrodite thingy! Sounds hot.

Im sure you will be super duper popular then.
Call me??