@dorkus_molorkus has had pity for my a-hole on numerous occasions. He's somewhat mastered rectal soothing and quite candidly developed quite a following for himself worldwide in that arena.
@mvapes when you said 'I have taken pity upon your asshole many times.' I think you may have misheard or misunderstood or you OD'd on the fucken retard pills already.
I was talking to your wife, and I said to her over & over again. 'You have my pity, he's an asshole.'
I totally understand, its an easy mistake to make.
But you are utterly correct, I am a worldwide master of rectal soothing.
Just ask
@t-dub, recently he was all bound up inside and I recommended a stiff course of twice daily 'brown bracelets'
Well look at him now, he wears a man nappy 24/7. He is now so regular, poop just runs en masse down his leg if he doesnt wear one.
Nothing but a total vindication of the health benefits of rectal prolapse therapy (aka Brown Bracelet) if you ask me.
Would you look what the cat dragged in.....

Long time no see
@mvapes .
Pity about your rectum.... may I suggest?
And to stop the flow...
I know
@dorkus_molorkus has had a lot of experience with both products so I'm sure he wouldn't mind giving you some advice.
@momofthegoons - damn straight I have had a lot of experience with both products.
Initially I had lots of trouble getting
@Stu to take the retard capsules. But then I worked out I had to take them out of the box.
He still wouldnt swallow them, he would run, hide under the bed then weep and shit.
I would reluctantly go get the firehose, then shit always got weird.
But one day it just dawned on me. I worked out that while I was applying his anti-monkey butt powder
& giving him his daily 'brown bracelet', I could just leave the retard capsules in there by the handfull.
FYI-the anti- monkey ass powder totally doesnt work, cuz he still has a butt like alpha male baboon. In fact it looks more puckered and all red fucken angry than ever before.
(I think we may need to increase the Brown Bracelet regime to 3 times a day. If that doesnt soothe a red and angry puckered bunghole then I dont know what will.)
So now that
@Stu is even more fucken retarded than before. He has recently taken to pulling his pants down & bending over on the balcony. So far he has managed to shoot the neighbours cat & 2 pigeons with rectally launched retard pills. He shoots em off like an M60 & then comes back inside for a reload.
Sure its all a bit weird and all that, but on the upside,
the pigeons were delicious.