This is not what it looks like.........
well ok it is exactly what it looks like.
The Head honcho of the parade was going past, so we all salute out of respect.
But unfortunately the only socks available at the time were the stiff crusty ones
@mvapes had previously stuffed into his codpiece.
(FYI- the head honcho is not the guy running the parade. There was a beer honcho who gave everyone beer, there was a burger honcho who gave everyone burgers & there was a head honcho who gave everyone............... well you get the idea.
@Stu was especially enthused)
and a five, six, seven, eight, strut, strut, pants off, turkey slap.
ah good times.
At the festival its not all festivities.
This is us, The lube Crew limbering up before deliveries. All those drums are full of lube & deliveries can be quite hazardous. This one time while stu was supposed to be making his delivery of lube, I actually saw him in the bushes covered in said lube with another mans hand in his bottom up to his elbow!
When I asked WTF is he doing, he said he tripped, and fell. So now he makes his rounds in a diaper and a gimp mask with a gag ball.
As you can see, mvapes crusty socks are still causing some problems.
Now for the good news,
@Stu just blew his 1st clown!
I bet it tastes funny.