Omg..... the place is falling apart!!!
And @Bob Loblaw ... that animal looks like a science experiment. Like they crossed a chicken with a mouse or something.... I'm not sure if it's cute... something about those feet....
Ok, I'm home now. My arm still hurts, but at least they gave me hydrocodone. They didn't even set it, really. Just put it in a temporary cast and I have to see an orthopedic surgeon first thing Monday morning. They wouldn't let me see the x-rays. That can't be a good sign. Thank you so much for caring guys. I really appreciate it.![]()
@Vicki, some years ago I was skating and fell off. Landed on my wrist, broke it. They weren't sure if I had even broken it because the xrays were normal but my wrist was obviously fucked up. I got it splintered, I think. It was like a half-cast. Went to see an orthopedic too a few days later and after more xrays he said I had one of the cleanest breaks he had ever seen. His worry was my scaphoid had been injured and the swelling wasn't letting it show, but nope, just the perfect break. A few more weeks with it and then I was fine. When it's cold it gets a little sore but not bad.
Vicki, I'm so sorry, I wish I could sign your cast . . .I just fell and broke my left arm. I'm waiting for hubby to get home to take me to the Urgent Care right now. Fuck it hurts!!1
Vicki, I'm so sorry, I wish I could sign your cast . . .
Edit: Just saw you didn't get one . . . vape on girl . . .
I am not a fan of tattoo or body modification.Vicki, just get "t-dub" inked on your arm and it'll make him a happy camper.Broken bones and scars add character, Vic, so you're good to go.
@Vicki , I am so sorry. Ask for the Neon Green's not a kitty, but hopefully it'll make you smile thru some pain anyway
Vicki, I'm so sorry, I wish I could sign your cast . . .
Edit: Just saw you didn't get one . . . vape on girl . . .
First off, I have to say that even though there were many, many funny posts, this was the one that had my drink go through my nose....Oh honey.... do you have any idea what you are in for?
Thanks @mvapes for the warm words. You all know I love you guys... and gals... even if I do have to spank you now and then.
But where are everyone's manners? We have a new member in our midst.... @Campers Crumpet came here and said a lovely hello and got NOTHING in return! Crumpet, welcome to this motley bunch of misfits. Of course, you've been hanging around the Master of Misfit now haven't you, lol... Some day you will have to spill some stories for us about our royal jester. You know the ones we want...
@Dreamerr, it's about time you got your ass back here to help me!!! I had just about given up on you. These fools haven't been inspired to throw poop in weeks.... even lwien hasn't been around for his biweekly spanking.
And @Bob Loblaw ...... wtf is up with that vid? I'm all for natural shit, but that was just sick....
And you know you guys all were like, "no way" when you saw that first red smear.![]()
We missed @Campers Crumpet?? No we didn't...
Hey, you know the rules! New guy has to wear the suit...
First, welcome to the forum. I apologize and may have overlooked your post. It's amazing the what Cannabis can do for the human body in so many complex forms.
It has done wonders for so many here including myself and as always sere willing to teach.
Unfortunately I won't be around for a few days but if you reach out via pm I promisea reply.
Your in good hands here with us.
I just wish mary jane could cure ass hole, it doesn't seem too.
Keep your arm elevated as much as you can, Vicki. It may help with the swelling and the pain from the swelling.
Try any anti-inflammatory you can... low-temp herb, Omega 3 (fish oil), blueberries... could help a bit.
Hi @Vicki -If you can get some Turmeric it will help. It's a natural anti-inflammatory and double blind placebo studies have proven it to be comparative to prescription anti-inflammatories.I wish I could take anti-inflammatory's, but they won't let me because of my high blood pressure. I'll try the other stuff, though.